On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:47:51 +0100
Marcello Romani <mrom...@ottotecnica.com> wrote:

> >> You mean 31 catalogs ?!
> > Yes, now, I am only testing with two catalogs and it's working Ok,
> > what are the downsides using this config?
> > According to the documentation bacula supports it:
> > 
> > " The Catalog Resource defines what catalog to use for the current
> > job. Currently, Bacula can only handle a single database server
> > (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL) that is defined when
> > configuring*Bacula*. However, there may be as many Catalogs
> > (databases) defined as you wish. For example, you may want each
> > Client to have its own Catalog database, or you may want backup
> > jobs to use one database and verify or restore jobs to use another
> > database."
> I'm just thinking out loud, but I don't see how having a catalog for
> each client can help you scale, since you can't put them on different
> db servers. You'd probably have a higher ROI by upgrading the DBMS
> hardware and/or migrating to postgres and/or throwing some
> (consultancy) money at tuning.
> Just my 2 cents.
More catalogs also means more stuff to back up and keep track of.

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