On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 03:49:40PM +0100, Holikar, Sachin (ext) wrote:
> Thanks Uwe for the reply.
> I request some explanation here.
> You suggested :
> 1.    Create a separate offsite pool and then after use, remove them as 
> necessary from the autochanger and set their volume status to "Archive" using 
> the "update volume" bconsole command. 
>       You meant that after making the volume status as Archive , we can 
> remove the tapes from the library and keep offsite. Correct?
>       The documentation says "All the files contained on an Archived Volume 
> are removed from the Catalog."  Is it true ?
>       Then how do we make sure that the data would be intact with all 
> previous records when the actual offsite tapes are required to be 
> inserted/restored back in the library ?
>       Please clarify. 

So far I've only had one case where an archived volume was required
shortly after I had removed it from the changer. I simply re-inserted
the volume, set its status to "FULL" and modified the autochanger slot
and bacula went on and happily restored stuff off that volume without
a problem.

As pointed out in some other post, this may not be the "best practise"
way to archive volumes, but we're only just now starting to dig into
copy &  migrate jobs and some of the more fancy features bacula
provides, so take my advice with at least a grain of salt. 

>       Why there is need to erase the tapes which are archived ?? Please 
> explain.

This are generally older archive tapes that are meant to re-enter the
backup cycle, so I delete the volume from the catalog and then provide
them with a new label. Of course you could also just re-enter the
older archived tapes and then set them to "full" and assign a slot as
outlined above. 

Cheers, Uwe 

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