On 3/23/12 1:20 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> This is in response to the email from Jesper (see below).  As it is
> not always obvious, I am not in the least upset in any way.  This is
> meant to be information about our future direction, and more
> directly a response to Jesper's concerns and questions.

> This is in general, not just to Jesper:
> You may not agree with me.  That is OK.  If you do, that is even
> better.  Please don't
> get upset though, there are enough things in the world going wrong that
> it is
> not worth the effort to complain to someone who has and is giving you
> lots of very
> useful *free* software.
> Best regards,
> Kern
> On 03/23/2012 07:10 AM, Jesper Krogh wrote:
>> Hi Kern.
>> Awesome. This is some of the key features Bacula has been lacking.
>> Others are: #10 and #29
>> It is your call (or Bacula Systems), but I really would suggest that
>> you'd try to push a mail to the Bacula-mailing list of the amount
>> of direct funding needed to just develop these features directly
>> in the open source version of Bacula. My feeling is that you're
>> silently killing of the Open Source bacula by following this path
>> as strongly as you do.
>> I like and enjoy working with Bacula. Bacula has been a corner stone
>> in our setup for more than 7 years, pushing over 1 petabyte of data out
>> to tape, using different autochangers, LTO-generations and been adoptable
>> and flexible along the way. 1)
>> As with all other compontent in the IT-setup the amount of work time
>> and money there has gone into Backup over the years is significant.
>> The problem is, I dont think there is a single person on this planet
>> running bacula in an non-Enterprise context. The amout of work,
>> hardware and time needed to run
>> a decent backup system with tapes and autochangers (which
>> is the corner where Bacula is truly awesome), is highly
>> overlapping with the enterprise segment, so the money is there.
Not to stick my nose in where it isn't wanted, but I just wanted to say 
that I am at least one single person running bacula in a non-Enterprise 
context--I use it on my home Linux server, and back up that server, 2 
windows XP clients and 3 windows 7-64 clients.  I can assure you that my 
wife and my less-than-teenage children are not using their computers as 
part of a business enterprise.  However, it was difficult to convince 
the wife that it made sense to purchase a used 16-slot LTO3 changer 
($1000 on Ebay), which was an upgrade to the previous non-changer LTO2 
drive we used (coincidentally, also around $1000 on Ebay).  My active 
backup library has about 15TB of data, on approximately 50 tapes.  I do 
think that for any site smaller than mine, the economical choice might 
be to avoid tape--but many people seem to be using bacula fine with 
disk-only solutions (and I too use disk-based backup for things I'm more 
likely to have to restore)

I've had some technical conflict with how Kern runs things in 
Bacula--but it is his project and his prerogative to handle matters as 
he sees fit.  Overall I'm thrilled with the community version, and 
though I have not contributed in a financial sense, I've tried to 
pay-it-forward by helping from time to time on the bacula-users mailing 
list.  I don't believe that the community version is in jeopardy, mostly 
due to the extremely active user community.

Thanks Kern, for everything you do!  And also thanks to all Bacula 
contributors--both technical and financial,


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