> I was looking in Internet without any luck (maybe because I'm not an
> english native, and my text search strings wasn't enough good).
> Please, I need information about the possibility of use one LTO device
> attached to one bacula server machine, by another bacula server
> machine. Maybe I could make a more ascii-art explanation:
>                 LTO5-Device-Dell
>                            |
>                            |
>                           /
>                          /
>                   ___/
>                 /
>                /
>  Bacula 1 server <--------------> |Switch| <------------------> Bacula
> 2 server
> Bacula 1 server has one Dell LTO5 device. It makes backup to disk, and
> one time a month a copy backup to LTO5.
> Bacula 2 server makes backups to disk.
> Bacula 1 and 2 has complete visibility between them.
> I need to make backups to LTO5 using Bacula 2 server, but I don't know
> how to make it, and I'm not able to find any information about this.
> Anybody could help me with any explanation, or link to documentation?
> Maybe it is in the official docs, but I'm too blind to see something
> that like in front of me... I think that it isn't possible because the
> fact that I cannot share SD between bacula servers (isn't it?)...
You can share a SD between directors. However do you really need 2
directors, independent databases ... ?


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