Hello again,

I sort of feel like I'm spamming this mailing list so I'll keep it short:

I tried the 'update volumes' command to try to manually tell bacula that
the tapes were in the autochanger. The catalog was aware of all the tapes
but had some of them incorrectly marked as not in autochanger. I set the
correct tapes as being present in autochanger, it accepted the command, but
when I do a status they don't show.

I started wondering if bacula was having a problem writing to mysql db, so
I got the idea to query mysql directly. So for example:
mysql> select concat(VolumeName,', ',Slot) from Media;
| concat(VolumeName,', ',Slot) |
| TestVolume001, 0             |
| vmappp03_backup_test, 0      |
| TPMBU002, 0                  |
| TPMBU001, 3                  |
| TPMBU005, 4                  |
| TPMBU007, 5                  |
| TPMBU003, 0                  |
| TPMBU011, 0                  |
| TPMBU009, 7                  |
| TPMBU014, 8                  |
| TPMBU015, 6                  |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Mysql shows correctly which tapes are in slots 3 thru 8, but bacula only
reports slots 3,4,5,6; the others are marked with an * and bacula behaves
as if they're empty.

I guess I can experiment however I like, I don't see how I can break it any
worse so I'll keep experimenting.
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