Op 20120927 om 21:55 schreef Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes:
> Citando Davide Franco <dfra...@dflc.ch>:
> > On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes wrote:
> > > Hi, I'm having extremely slow performance when backing up, a 10gb
> > > backup took around 3h. Where should I start looking?
> > > 
> > > During a backup I can see bacula-sd using 100% cpu, memory usage is
> > > normal. My system is a vmware virtual machine with a cpu with two
> > > 2,5ghz cores and 2gb ram. The vm have a separate partition for the
> > > volumes using ext4 and mounted via RDM in a fc storage array with
> > > raid6. I tried mapping more cores and more ram for the vm with the same
> > > result so I don't think the problem is lack of resources.
> > > 
> > 
> > giving more informations like
> > 
> > will give us more ideas to troubleshoot your problem.
> Director: 5.0.1-1ubuntu1
> Storage: 5.0.1-1ubuntu1
> FD: 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 (some clients have lower version)
> Database: mysqI
> OS: Ubuntu 10.04.4 x64 Server
> FC Storage 4 GBits/s.
> All my network is Gigabit Ethernet.

Yes, and how is the further design?

In others words: The provided list can read as 
 One physical computer with fibre channel disk hosts all the VMs.
If it is so, then tell so. Otherwise eloborate the setup, the design.

> One question: can vmware tools have any influence in this case? From what I
> know vmware tools is mainly for better graphics performance  isn't it? I din't
> installed it.

There could also be beter disk drivers. The virtio drivers come to mind.

Back to
> > > During a backup I can see bacula-sd using 100% cpu,

And where did you see the "100%"? ( Which tool was used to read that 
performance valule? )

I would like to see the output of

             vmstat 2 5

during non-back-up-time and also the output of

             vmstat 2 5

during back-up-time. Thing I'm interrested in, are the CPU columns.
Especial the colums "system" and "wait".

$ vmstat 2 3
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa
 0  0   6712  11360 192584 159120    0    0     5     4    6   11  5  6 90  0
 0  0   6712  11344 192584 159120    0    0     0     0   67  342  7 15 79  0
 0  0   6712  11344 192584 159120    0    0     0     0   65  340  8 14 78  0

And to avoid an extra e-mail exchange:
 I'm asking for 2 to the power 3, so 8 measurements.

So 2 moments (during backup or outside backup)
on 2 Bacula compoments ( storage deamon and file deamon ) on the VMs
on 2 physical hosts.

Yes, that means that I assume the VMware hosts have a 'vmstat' command.
That is because I'm not familair with VMware, I'm from the Xen world :-)

Geert Stappers

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