Zitat von lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:

> Hello
> we like to use data encryption but get trouble on restore with the
> following error:
> 28-Sep 13:30 bacula-dir JobId 100: Start Restore Job
> RestoreFiles.2012-09-28_13.30.33_06
> 28-Sep 13:30 bacula-dir JobId 100: Using Device "FileStorage"
> 28-Sep 13:30 bacula-sd JobId 100: Ready to read from volume
> "file-0003" on device "FileStorage" (/var/lib/bacula/filestore).
> 28-Sep 13:30 bacula-sd JobId 100: Forward spacing Volume "file-0003"
> to file:block 42:1538520297.
> 28-Sep 14:01 build-rst-fd JobId 100: Error: filed/restore.c:657
> Unexpected cryptographic session data stream.
> 28-Sep 14:01 build-rst-fd JobId 100: Error: filed/restore.c:657
> Unexpected cryptographic session data stream.
> and so on
> Most of the data in the same job restores fine, but after this error
> we see also many files with 0 bytes size. The scenario is kept simple
> to rule out operator errors. We have 3 windows machines (2x 64 bit xp,
> 1x 32 bit xp) and a Ubuntu Linux 12.04x64 as server. Clients running
> Bacula windows client 5.2.10 32/64 bit and the server Bacula 5.2.12.
> The relevant part of the config from client is
> FileDaemon {                            # this is me
>    Name = buildx64-fd
>    FDport = 9102                # where we listen for the director
>    WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
>    Pid Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
>    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>    PKI Signatures = yes
>    PKI Encryption = yes
>    PKI Master Key = "c:/program files/bacula/master-backup.cert"
>    PKI Keypair = "c:/program files/bacula/buildx64-backup.pem"
> }
> We have tried two days with many saves and restores on the same
> machine and on different machines with the same keys to no avail. Any
> idea how to debug this further on. How can i get the filename for the
> first error with the "file:block 42:1538520297" info?

It looks like the error arises if the FD does not overwrite some files  
on restore. This confuses the PKI code and subsequent file restore  
fails also. In our case it was a fresh formated NTFS partition with a  
restore with replace=never and the hidden "System Volume Information"  
stops the restore.

There was also a report some time ago:

Should i create a bug report or have i missed something obvious?



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