
I ran some btape tests today to verify that I'd be improving throughput 
by changing blocksize from 256KB to 2MB and found that this does indeed 
appear to be true in terms of increasing compression efficiency, but it 
doesn't seem to affect incompressible data much, if at all.  Still, it 
seems worth changing and I thank you for pointing me in that direction.

More importantly, I realized that my testing 6 months ago was not on all 
4 of my drives, but only 2 of them.  Today, I discovered one of my 
drives (untested in the past) is getting 1/2 the throughput for random 
data writes as the others!!

*speed file_size=4 nb_file=4 skip_raw

        SL500 Drive 0   SL500 Drive 1   C4 Drive 0      C4 Drive 1

256KB block size:
  Zeros =   92.86 MB/s   92.36 MB/s      91.38 MB/s      92.86 MB/s
  Random=   63.16 MB/s   27.53 MB/s      63.39 MB/s      63.60 MB/s

2MB block size:
  Zeros =  123.5  MB/s  122.7  MB/s     122.7  MB/s     122.7  MB/s
  Random=   62.24 MB/s   28.44 MB/s      63.62 MB/s      63.62 MB/s



On 09/28/2012 05:08 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
> On 28/09/12 02:38, Stephen Thompson wrote:
>> Aren't these considered reasonable settings for LTO3?
>>     Maximum block size = 262144           # 256kb
>>     Maximum File Size = 2gb
> Not really.
> Change maximum file size to 10Gb and maximum block size to 2M
> You _must_ set all open tapes to used and restart the storage daemon
> when changing the block size. Bacula can't cope with varying maximum
> sizes on a tape
> Even with those changes, if you have a lot of small, incompressible
> files you'll see high tape overheads.
>> thanks for the help!
>> Stephen

Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
step...@seismo.berkeley.edu    215 McCone Hall # 4760
404.538.7077 (phone)           University of California, Berkeley
510.643.5811 (fax)             Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

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