Op 20121019 om 18:13 schreef Martin Simmons:
> >>>>> On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 17:24:06 +0200,   said:
> > 
> > To solve things,  I've tried setting ACL's in the Console statement like 
> > this:
> > 
> > Console {
> >   Name = Almond
> >   Password = ""
> >   ClientACL = Almond
> >   StorageACL = Almond_Storage
> >   PoolACL = Almond_Pool
> > }
> > 
> > But this doesn't work. I thought this would limit the client as defined in
> > Client { Name= Almond.....}  to access only the listed storage and pools
> > (which would be great, as almond has it's own reserved pool), but it doesn't
> > do that. I think I may be interpreting the manual the wrong way. I've
> > googled and found several other people asking the same question, but no
> > working answers.
> The Console statement in bacula-dir.conf isn't designed to match a named
> Client statement.  You need to put a special bconsole.conf on the client, so
> that it uses the Console directive in the bacula-dir.conf.
> See the restricted-user examples here:
> http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/main/main/Console_Configuration.html
> __Martin

To cover the
> > I can even create my own /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on my own system
> > “pine”,with my passwords for known accounts, make a backup of it,
> > then use the above method to “restore” it to the almond server,
> > thereby disallowing authorized users (as their accounts will be gone)
> > and allowing myself access (as I have all users/passwords).

I want to add
to this thread, where
| Read-only File Daemon using capabilities
| This feature implements support of keeping ReadAll capabilities
| after UID/GID switch, this allows FD to keep root read but drop write
| permission.
| It introduces new bacula-fd option (-k) specifying that ReadAll
| capabilities should be kept after UID/GID switch.
|   root@localhost:~# bacula-fd -k -u nobody -g nobody
| The code for this feature was contributed by our friends at AltLinux.
is said.

Geert Stappers
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