Zitat von ALyarskiy <bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com>:

> Zitat von ALyarskiy <bacula-forum < at > backupcentral.com>:
> Zitat von ALyarskiy <bacula-forum < at > backupcentral.com>:
> How can i limit writing jobs to 1 without limiting spooling jobs?
> I want to have only one job writing on the tape but spool other jobs
> in parallel.
> This is the default as far as i understand. The tape is locked
> exclusive from one writer while other jobs which run concurrently will
> spool data as long as the maximum spool size is not reached. Works
> fine here but you need a really fast spool area if you want to feed
> something like LTO-4/5/6 at full speed.
> Regards
> Andreas
> It is true for jobs with SpoolData=yes, but i have few jobs that
> have SpoolData=no, so they write data right on the tape.
> I want to limit jobs that have SpoolData=no by 1 concurrent, so only
> 1 job could write data on the tape, and permit the rest jobs with
> SpoolData=yes to spool data on local drive concurrently (5-7 streams).
> You might try the "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" directive for the tape
> device but i guess with this you will block the despooling until all
> non spooling jobs have passed. Why do you want to have spooling and
> non-spooling jobs anyway for the same device?
> Regards
> Andreas
> Yes, now i use "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" limitation on device level.
> I want to write large jobs right on tape ( usually > 50 Gb) - there  
> are no network bottlenecks for this clients, and the rest (there are  
> may be networks bottlenecks sometimes) spool to the local drive.
> When local spool used backup process have to read from client, write  
> on local drive, then read from it and write the backup to the tape.  
> For large backups it is HUGE overhead. Also there is problem when  
> you have 4-5 large backups in same time - local drive becomes  
> bottleneck (i have 2 Gb network). So it is reasonable to have a  
> possibility to limit concurrent jobs at different levels. For  
> example - 6 Jobs running in same time, 2 of them are large and  
> writing directly to the tape one by one, rest 4 are spooling to  
> local drive and waiting those 2 to complete.

It all depends. Spooling data is nearly no overhead if you use some  
cheap local storage as you should. Plugin some SATA or if you can  
afford SSD, do a RAID0 and spooling will give you the following  
- Data on tape is written with the spool size per job so your restore  
will be a lot faster
- You will be able to drive your tape at maximum speed regardles of  
network congestion or clients searching files and therefore prevent  

Of course it would be nice to have some additional controls in some  
situations, but it looks like no one have written code for this until  



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