Le 29/11/2012 21:58, Dan Langille a écrit :
On Nov 29, 2012, at 10:30 AM, Jonathan Horne wrote:

I am getting ready to deploy my first bacula server to our production environment. I would like to practice 2 scenarios of recovery. First, I will recover the configuration files and mysql database (from dump files), and hopefully continue on. The second, I will recover only the configuration files. Both scenarios, will tear down the server and rebuild new OS and reattach the LUN where the volume pools are stored.

The first seems pretty straight forward, especially is the mysqldump is current after the most recent backups that ran. The 2^nd , poses the question of how to import existing volume pool data into a new bacula director installation?

Any advice or acedotes from when this has been previously performed would be appreciated.

Every day:

- copy your Catalog dump (i.e. a text file) to another location
- copy your *.conf files to the same location

At that location, use log rotate to keep N copies of those files sitting around.

I do the above to three different locations: one on-site, two off-site.

Dan Langille - http://langille.org


I used Netbackup for years. When I used it, the catalog was not a real database, and had to be backed up with Netbackup tools. To secure the current version, we had a 3-part mirror on 2 remote SAN + local disks. As Bacula stores most data pieces in text files or in a mainstream database, you can do everything you can imagine on databases:

1 - For mysql databases, just forget mysqldump. As soon as your database will grow, restore from a dump will become longer and longer. I use mylvmbackup on databases which are modified all the times (huge environments). For quieter databases, I use mydumper. Of course, you have to keep several versions of this backup (as you already do for every thing else, isn't it ? ;-) )

2 - Enable binary logging and export binary logs to another server often. Hourly is a good start. If you can, you can even imagine to store binary logs on a remote filesystem. This way, you always have the latest version of binary logs on another server.

3 - You can imagine to use a MySQL slave to ensure you have at least 2 versions of the same catalog at the same time. In case of crash, you won't loose your catalog.

3 does not replace 1 and 2 as a slave is "just" a snapshot. If the database is corrupted, it will be on both servers and you will have to recover it from backups.

Jerome Blion.
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