On 2013-01-03 10:56, John Drescher wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Rao, Uthra R. (GSFC-672.0)[ADNET
> SYSTEMS INC] <uthra.r....@nasa.gov> wrote:
>> Thank  you all for your response. So, I understand that if I have an 
>> expired tape in the pool and want to restore something from that tape 
>> it is possible using "bextract" or "bscan".
> Remember that bscan is a three part solution. First you extend or get
> rid of the file and job retention periods.

After you do that, you need to run the UPDATE command to refresh the 
Pool definition
and the Volumes within that Pool.

> Next you run bscan to put
> the job and file records back into the database. And finally you run 
> a
> normal restore.

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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