
I've encountered a strange phenomenon in Kubuntu 12.04.

I'm using the tray monitor from the distribution.
Over time, the tray monitor causes the xorg to use more and more memory. After 
4 days of just doing nothing (the machine was running, but I was not present), 
xorg used 1.7 GB memory and blocking one CPU completely.

As I was not able to say why this happened, I reinstalled the complete machine 
always looking when the memory problem would start. And now I can see when the 
tray monitor is running xorg starts using memory.
So I can definitivly say it's the tray monitor.

On a machine, the same hardware, but using Ubuntu 12.04, this does't occur. 
Therefore I believe this has something to do with kdm, kwin or the 
plasma-desktop. But that's a guess.

I hope this one gets tracked down because I leave the tray monitor closed and 
start it just for a short ime to check my backups.

Thank you all.
Kind regards,

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