I'm trying to do a restore of a directory of files.  The restore gets a
few files from one volume (disk volumes), but then stops with the
director shows the job waiting on the client to connect to the storage

I traced the problem down to the director telling the client to connect
to the wrong storage daemon address.  My backup server connects to
several VLANs, and I have a storage definition for each (different IPs).
When the director tells the client the first volume, it uses the correct
storage daemon address, but for the second volume, it sends the client
an address that the client can't reach.

If I change the restore job to send the restore to a directory on the
backup server (which of course can connect to all the storage daemon
IPs), it works.

This appears to be a bug in the director.  It uses the specified storage
daemon for the first volume, but it used a different one for the second

This was all with Bacula 5.2.12 on RHEL 6 (backup server) and RHEL 5
(client).  I did try upgrading the backup server to Bacula 5.2.13, but I
get the same behavior.

Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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