On 04/15/13 15:31, Bill Arlofski wrote:
> I'll let you know what I come up with.

Hi Leon, and everyone. :)

Leon, as promised I have spent some time to take a second look at the
auto_enable_disable_vols.sh which I had originally hacked together to use Josh
Fisher's benablemag script to enable/disable the available/not_available
vchanger magazines on a system.

I have posted a new, almost completely re-written version which now sends one
bconsole "sqlquery" command per magazine to enable all volumes on it if it is
plugged in, or to disable all volumes on any magazines which are not currently
plugged in.

So, in your case (Leon) instead of calling bconsole 18 * 186 = 3348 times, it
would now make only 18 calls to bconsole.

New version is here: http://www.revpol.com/node/146

As far as I can tell it is working on our systems, ymmv, not responsible for
rising sea levels, all comments welcome, etc. :)

Bill Arlofski
Reverse Polarity, LLC

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