Hello all,

we want to do a file-backup in datacenter to a SAN. The teamleader wants also a 
backup in the firm. The "datacenter- firm" connection is slow and has limited 
Another Problem: no money for SAN- mirroring over wan.
But we can place a SAN in Firm. Maybe freenas/openfiler
We are talking about 150-200 machines. No more data in the moment available.

First idea: 
1.)Doing local backups in datacenter to determine how much data is used and 
the growth.
2.) Maybe a 2. bacula-sd with an iscsi from datacenter to firm is a solution
3.) determine how much data needs to transfer over night and 
        3a) determine how much bandwith is reasonable
        3b) there is an idea doing only differantial backups to firm 
                creating a fullbackup from the differantials (virtual
                3aa) Is an automatic "virtual fullbackup" possible? How?
4.) cheapest way, buy more bandwith in due to 3.

Corrections? Ideas?

Or does someone has an another idea doing a second backup from datacenter to 
firm over wan?

Can someone help?


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