Hi folks,

I'm wondering if the following issue is a bug or feature: 

We're using separate incremental- and full pools for each client
backed up by bacula (5.2.13). Each pool represents a directory in the
file system containing the volumes (1 job / volume), so we have a
structure like this: 


and so on, for each client. Each storage device has its own
media type assigned called




so the storage definition in bacula-sd.conf looks like this: 
Device {
  Name = FileStorage_<client_name>_full
  Media Type = File_<client_name>_full
  Archive Device = /mnt/msa/online_backup_<client_name>/full/
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it             
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

Device {
  Name = FileStorage_<client_name>_incr
  Media Type = File_<client_name>_incr
  Archive Device = /mnt/msa/online_backup_<client_name>/incr/
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it             
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

With the pool- & storage defs defined like so: 

Storage {
  Name = FileStorage_<client_name>_full
  Address = <fd-server>              # N.B. Use a fully qualified name
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "xxxxx" 
  Device = FileStorage_<client_name>_full
  Media Type = File_<client_name>_full
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2

Storage {
  Name = FileStorage_<client_name>_incr
  Address = <fd-server>              # N.B. Use a fully qualified name
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "xxxxxx" 
  Device = FileStorage_<client_name>_incr
  Media Type = File_<client_name>_incr
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2

Pool {
  Name = Online_<client_name>_full
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = FileStorage_<client_name>_full
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes                   
  Volume Retention = 60 days         # one year                                 
  Purge Oldest Volume = yes
  Recycle  Oldest Volume = yes
  Maximum Volumes = 3
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Action On Purge = Truncate
  Label Format = "${JobName}-${Level}"
  Next  Pool = "Offline"

Pool {
  Name = Online_<client_name>_incr
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = FileStorage_<client_name>_incr
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes                   
  Volume Retention = 20 days         # one year                                 
  Purge Oldest Volume = yes
  Recycle  Oldest Volume = yes
  Maximum Volumes = 7
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
  Action On Purge = Truncate
  Label Format = "${JobName}-${Level}"

So far, so good (keep two full backups and a handful of incrementals
in a weekly schedule). 

Now when I try to restore a "most recent" backup from within bconsole
(say a full and the most recent incremental), bacula gets all confused
about media types and which storages to use to read the volumes: 

08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Start Restore Job
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Using Device
"FileStorage_<client_name>_full" to read.
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-sd JobId 68311: acquire.c:120 Changing read
device. Want Media Type="File_<client_name>_incr" have="File_<client_name>_full"
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-sd JobId 68311: Fatal error: acquire.c:175 No
suitable device found to read Volume
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-fd JobId 68311: Fatal error: job.c:2395 Bad
response to Read Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3000 error

08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Error: Bacula <fd-server>-dir
5.2.13 (19Jan13):
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat 
  JobId:                  68311
  Job:                    RestoreFiles.2013-05-08_12.34.22_02
  Restore Client:         <fd-server>-fd
  Start time:             08-May-2013 12:34:22
  End time:               08-May-2013 12:34:22
  Files Expected:         112,497
  Files Restored:         0
  Bytes Restored:         0
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***

08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Begin pruning Jobs older than
6 months .
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Pruned 31 Jobs for client
<fd-server>-fd from catalog.
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: Begin pruning Files.
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: No Files found to prune.
08-May 12:34 <fd-server>-dir JobId 68311: End auto prune.

If I don't manually assign the storage device in the restore job, some
random one seems to get selected and things go even "wronger" (tm). 

I can still restore data using bls and bextract on the on-disk
volumes, but it'd be great if somebody could shed a light on how to
handle this situation. 

All the best & thanks in advance, 


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