Dear all,
I'm trying to reinitzialize my old tapes, but I think i miss some step. 

Plese, can someone point me in the right direction ?

This is what I do:

root@llo ~]# bconsole 
Connecting to Director
1000 OK: bacula-dir Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
*purge volume=Vol15

This command is can be DANGEROUS!!!

It purges (deletes) all Files from a Job,
JobId, Client or Volume; or it purges (deletes)
all Jobs from a Client or Volume without regard
for retention periods. Normally you should use the
PRUNE command, which respects retention periods.
1 File on Volume "Vol15" purged from catalog.
There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "Vol15". Marking it purged.
[root@llo ~]# 
[root@llo ~]# /usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/sg1 load 15 /dev/st0 0
[root@llo ~]# mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
[root@llo ~]# mt -f /dev/st0 weof
[root@llo ~]# btape -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:285 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
10-mag 16:02 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
10-mag 16:02 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 
btape: btape.c:372 open device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0): OK
[root@llo ~]# /usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/sg1 unload 15 /dev/st0 0
Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 15...
[root@llo ~]# bconsole
Automatically selected Storage: DDS-4
Defined Pools:
     1: Scratch
     2: Default
Select the Pool (1-2): 2

####### bconsole show me all volumes

Enter MediaId or Volume name: 19
Enter new Volume name: vol15
Enter slot (0 or Enter for none): 15
Defined Pools:
     1: Scratch
     2: Default
Select the Pool (1-2): 2
Connecting to Storage daemon DDS-4 at ...
Sending relabel command from "Vol15" to "vol15" ...
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="vol15" Device="DDS-4" (/dev/nst0)
Catalog record for Volume "vol15", Slot 15  successfully created.
Old volume "Vol15" deleted from catalog.
Requesting to mount DDS-4 ...
3001 Device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0) is mounted with Volume "vol15"
*list volume
Pool: Scratch
No results to list.
Pool: Default

####### bconsole show me all volumes

|      30 | vol15      | Append    |       1 |   64,512 |        0 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |   15 |         1 | DDS-4     |                     |

now, as you can see, the fourth field is the "volbytes" and it show only 64,512 
bytes, but the tabe is 800 giga size.

What I do wrong ?

Please help me 


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