Maybe in 5.2.7?

" - More definitive fix for update slots bug"

Not sure which bug this is referring to...

Kevin B. Zimmerman

On 07/03/2013 02:35 PM, John Drescher wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Kevin B. Zimmerman
> <> wrote:
>> I get that's how it supposed to work -- and what I expected -- but that's
>> not at all what was happening. Here's the behavior I saw:
>> - Tape magazine #1, loaded with 12 tapes labelled 000001L5 - 000012L5, was
>> in the tape library; 11 marked as Full, 1 marked as Append
>> - I followed the documentation to swap the magazine out (unmount, change
>> magazines, update slots, mount)
>> - Now Tape magazine #2, loaded with 12 more tapes labelled 000013L5 -
>> 000024L5, was in the tape library; all 12 marked as Append
>> - All tapes from magazine #1 were marked InChanger=0; all tapes from
>> magazine #2 were marked InChanger=1
>> - Spool jobs would run, and Bacula would call for the one tape from magazine
>> #1 (000003L5) that was marked as Append, despite having a full magazine of
>> tapes in the library ready to go.
>> - I could remount, and specify the slot to use, and it would pull a tape
>> from magazine #2, but as soon as that tape was full, it would ask for that
>> same tape from magazine #1 again.
>> - Setting Enabled=1 for tapes in the library and Enabled=0 for tapes not in
>> the library invokes the expected behavior
>> So in this case, there were no volumes that needed to be recycled; all were
>> new, labelled, defined in the pool, and marked as Append.
>> Thoughts?
> That may be a bug in the implementation.There have been quite a few
> bugs fixed since 5.2.5 to the current 5.2.13 release although I did
> not see a mention of InChanger when I searched the release notes.
> John

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