 Is there no Idea about this issue?

Regards, I

2013/7/17 Iban Cabrillo <cabri...@ifca.unican.es>

> Dear,
>     We have a simple bacula configuration.
>     And autochanger with two tape device (LTO3 and LTO5), for two kind of
> different backups. Both work when they run independently. But If  a job on
> LTO5 is running the other jobs related to LTO3 are waiting until this jobs
> has finished. This is  a pain in the ass, because the LTO5 run very long
> unique/full backups (along days) then I found that a couple of incremental
> backups on LT03 running on the same day. The jobs run on different clients
> and event sometimes in different catalogs.
>        These are the relevant configuration:
> *bacula-dir.conf*
>      Director {                            # define myself
>        Name = bacula-dir
>        DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
>        QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
>        WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>        PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"
>        Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>        Password = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYY"         # Console password
>        Messages = Daemon
>        DirAddress = "xxxxxx"
>        .....
> *bacula-sd.conf*
>  Storage {                             # definition of myself
>      Name = bacula-sd
>      SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
>      WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>      Pid Directory = "/var/run/bacula"
>      Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>      SDAddress = "xxxxx"
>      .....
>    Autochanger {
>       Name = TSM3500
>        Device = ULT3580-TD3
>       Device = ULT3580-TD5
>       Changer Device = /dev/sg7
>       Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>                     # %c = changer device
>                     # %o = command (unload|load|loaded|list|slots)
>                     # %S = slot index (1-based)
>                     # %a = archive device (i.e., /dev/sd* name for tape
> drive)
>                     # %d = drive index (0-based)
> }
> Device {
>     # The TSM3100's first tape drive
>     Name = ULT3580-TD3
>     Archive Device = /dev/nst0
>     Device Type = Tape
>     Media Type = LTO-3
>     Autochanger = Yes
>     # Changer Device = <inherited from Changer>
>     Alert Command = "sh -c '/usr/sbin/tapeinfo -f /dev/sg5 | /bin/sed -n
> /TapeAlert/p"
>     Drive Index = 1
>     RemovableMedia = yes
>     Random Access = no
>     Maximum Block Size = 262144
>     Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
>     Maximum Spool Size = 40gb
>     Maximum Job Spool Size = 30gb
>     Spool Directory = /backup/spool
>     AutomaticMount = Yes;
> }
> Device {
>     # The TSM3100's second tape drive
>     Name = ULT3580-TD5
>     Archive Device = /dev/nst1
>     Device Type = Tape
>     Media Type = LTO-5
>     Autochanger = Yes
>     # Changer Device = <inherited from Changer>
>     Alert Command = "sh -c '/usr/sbin/tapeinfo -f /dev/sg6 | /bin/sed -n
> /TapeAlert/p"
>     Drive Index = 0
>     RemovableMedia = yes
>     Random Access = no
>     Maximum Block Size = 262144
>     Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
>     Maximum Spool Size = 40gb
>     Maximum Job Spool Size = 30gb
>     Spool Directory = /backup/spool
>     AutomaticMount = Yes;
> }
> *And the storage definitions:*
> Storage {
>   Name = TSM3500-LTO3
>   Address = "xxxxxx"
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Device = ULT3580-TD3
>   Media Type = LTO-3
>   Autochanger = yes
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
> }
> Storage {
>   Name = TSM3500-LTO5
>   Address = "xxxxx"
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Device = ULT3580-TD5
>   Media Type = LTO-5
>   Autochanger = yes
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
> }
>  I think that  "Maximum concurrent Jobs" variable is well defined (well
> maybe the storage definition level should be 1, I do not see a tape writing
> jobs in parallel, I checked this and neither work )...but I am not able to
> find the misconfiguration.
> Any Idea ??
> Cheers, I.
> --
> ####################################
> Iban Cabrillo Bartolome
> Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA)
> Santander, Spain
> Tel: +34942200969
> ####################################
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> *"El problema con el mundo es que los estúpidos están seguros de todo y
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Iban Cabrillo Bartolome
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA)
Santander, Spain
Tel: +34942200969
Bertrand Russell:
*"El problema con el mundo es que los estúpidos están seguros de todo y los
inteligentes están llenos de dudas*"
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