Hi Benny,

Can you post here your bacula-dir.conf? In your bacula-dir.conf there must
bem a "client" resource definition. It is differente from the definition in
the bacula-fd.conf. If you have a client1 defined, with a bacula-fd.conf in
some host, you have to have a section in your bacula-dir.conf with the
client1 definitions.

Best regards. Your´re welcome.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Benny_pixelweb <
bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com> wrote:

> hi Ana,
> i think the client is defined but its the first time i tried to set up
> bacula.
> but this is what i have in Jobdefs on the line that the error reply:
> client=bacula-fd
> so anny sugestions what could be wrong with this.
> Maybe you get a better vieuw at this printscreen?
>  (http://postimg.org/image/osu65xw71/)
> best regards and thanx for the help.
> Bennyundefined[/img]
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