> When it does a full backup of one client (also running Mint 15) of
> around 40G it gets stuck on the "Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
> Despooling 151,437,267 bytes ...".  This one step takes over eight hours
> to complete.  For instance it started at 03:10 my time today and it's
> now 08:20 and it's still running.

I had this spring up suddenly after a kernel upgrade. strace showed that mysql 
was constantly doing 512 byte writes + fsync's, and I guess there was a kernel 
update that handled fsync differently. I have a RAID1 of SATA disks, and a 
7200RPM SATA disk gets something like 75 IOPS, and if each op is 512 bytes 
that's a very low throughput.

I think I added:


to my config file and the performance went back up to what I was used to, at 
the expense of a slight exposure to data loss in the event of a power failure.


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