 I have seen lots of threads we this subject but no one with a solution.
 Despooling Attributes takes a very very long time. Seem no to be a
question about tunning mysql.

 Data spooling: 0 active jobs, 0 bytes; 1 total jobs, 1,845,487,814 max
 Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 18,289,433 bytes; 0 total jobs, 18,289,433
max bytes.

Data spooling about 10 minutes, Attr Spooling more than 30 minutes and
This happen for LT03 and LT=5 tapes

 my packets :
root@bacula:~# dpkg -l | grep bacula
ii  bacula                           5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
all          network backup service - metapackage
ii  bacula-client                    5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
all          network backup service - client metapackage
ii  bacula-common                    5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - common support files
ii  bacula-common-mysql              5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - MySQL common files
ii  bacula-console                   5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - text console
ii  bacula-director-common           5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - Director common files
ii  bacula-director-mysql            5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - MySQL storage for Director
ii  bacula-fd                        5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - file daemon
ii  bacula-sd                        5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - storage daemon
ii  bacula-sd-mysql                  5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - MySQL SD tools
ii  bacula-server                    5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
all          network backup service - server metapackage
ii  bacula-traymonitor               5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1
amd64        network backup service - tray monitor

bacula-sd attributes :

  Maximum Block Size = 262144
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
  Maximum Spool Size = 20gb
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 10gb
  Spool Directory = /data/spool

 Anyone have and idea how to improve this??

Iban Cabrillo Bartolome
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA)
Santander, Spain
Tel: +34942200969
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