>>>>> On Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:09:40 +0100, Rudolph Bott said:
> Hi List,
> our bacula director crashes from time to time (running some 420 jobs per 
> night) and at some point we started running the director from daemontools in 
> foreground, with some level of debugging (-d 50) enabled.
> Last night it crashed with the following information:
> 2013-11-28 01:48:15.607948500 Bacula interrupted by signal 11: Segmentation 
> violation
> 2013-11-28 01:48:15.607950500 Kaboom! bacula-dir, SOME.HOST.NAME got signal 
> 11 - Segmentation violation. Attempting traceback.
> 2013-11-28 01:48:15.607951500 Kaboom! exepath=/usr/sbin/
> 2013-11-28 01:48:15.612249500 Calling: /usr/sbin/btraceback 
> /usr/sbin/bacula-dir 30863 /var/lib/bacula
> 2013-11-28 01:48:16.554609500 bsmtp: bsmtp.c:145 Fatal malformed reply from 
> localhost: 501 <root>: sender address must contain a domain
> 2013-11-28 01:48:16.554938500 It looks like the traceback worked ...
> 2013-11-28 01:48:16.554939500 Dumping: 
> /var/lib/bacula/SOME.HOST.NAME.30863.bactrace
> 2013-11-28 01:48:16.554940500 SOME.HOST.NAME: lockmgr.c:966 lockmgr disabled
> Does this mean that bacula actually crashed because it got an unexpected 
> reply from the local mta?! Has anyone experienced this before?

No, the error is "Bacula interrupted by signal 11: Segmentation violation" and
the rest is printed by the code that tries to report it by email.

If you built Bacula yourself, then check that you called configure with a
valid email address and domain for the --with-dump-email argument.

If you are using a prebuild Bacula, then you could edit /usr/sbin/btraceback
to have a valid email address after the -f argument to bsmtp.


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