
Bacula 7.0.2 on RHEL6 installed from the slaanesh EPEL repository.  The 
autochanger is a Dell PV-124T with 8 slots and a single LTO-5 drive.

I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior.  I successfully ran 
a btape "test", including the autochanger tests.  I can write and read 
tar files from tape.  mtx-changer works as expected.  Everything appears 
to be working except the verify stage of btape fill.

btape fill writes to the first tape, switches to the second tape writes 
a few more blocks there and then switches back to the first tape for 
verifying.  At that point it loads, then unloads, the tape.  Here is the 
first iteration of the loop btape is stuck in.

14:42:16 Done filling tapes at 0:1003. Now beginning re-read of first
tape ...

btape: btape.c:2481-0 Enter do_unfill

09-May 14:42 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2,
drive 0" command.

09-May 14:43 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive
0" command.

09-May 14:44 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0",
status is OK.

09-May 14:45 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1,
drive 0" command.

09-May 14:46 btape JobId 0: Warning: acquire.c:276 Read acquire:
vol_mgr.c:382 Could not reserve volume "TestVolume1" for append, because
it will be read.

So btape loads the correct tape, gets an OK status, then unloads the 
tape and warns that it couldn't be reserved for append because it will 
be read.  Why is it trying to reserve for append?  It should only 
be reading now if I understand things properly.  I think this is 
probably a bug?

After two tries I am prompted to mount TestVolume1 and press enter 
when ready.  I manually loaded the tape from another terminal and after 
hitting enter in the original btape process, btape tries twice more and 
prompts me again.  etc.

I also checked the volume label in another terminal (with btape 
readlabel) and it *is* called TestVolume1.

Any ideas?  I'd like to see it pass this test but I am probably going to 
move soon to a real backup/restore and see if that succeeds.

  - Bill Hamblen

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