On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 12:32 PM, altiris
<bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com> wrote:
> I have been trying to setup bacula so that it will perform 2 backup jobs. One 
> to backup a folder in a user's home folder and another to backup an entire 
> partition. Each time I try to run one of the two backup jobs (via webmin) it 
> says it has started but when I go to the director status it outputs 
> "BackupGame_Servers   114     Incremental     is waiting on Storage 
> Game_Servers". Where BackupGame_Servers is the job name, 114 I believe is the 
> job number, Incremental is the type of backup, and Storage Game_Servers is 
> the Storage Daemon it is using. When i try to run the other backup job I also 
> get a "is waiting on Storage daemon _____". The backups are set to be stored 
> on on separate partition and in separate folders in that partition. I don't 
> see why this is doing this. I use a different storage device, storage daemon, 
> volume pool, and backup schedule to keep everything organized. I posted my 
> config files to better show/explain and eliminate the possibilities of errors.

Remember that a disk device acts just like a tape drive meaning that
for a single device you can not load 2 volumes at the same time. If
you want more than 1 job to run you need more than 1 storage device.
If you plan on adding additional clients and want them to run more
simultaneous jobs I recommend that you search the archives for bacula
vchanger. This will make disk storage work like a virtual tape
autochanger with multiple drives so you can have concurrency.


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