On 04/08/14 18:54, Nick Allevato wrote:
> LTO 2…slow?

Slow, but not as slow as mechanical disk drives.

What _seriously_ slows down backups is disk seeking (both on the client 
array and on the spool disks), and tape drive will slow to a crawl if 
not fed at near-full speed.

If you're backing up to LTO of any type, the only way to get reasonable 
performance is to backup to a high performance SSD spool (or SSD stripe) 
and then despool from that to the tape.

A decently fast SSD spool area can handle simultaneous spool/depool 
operations - but do NOT try this with low end consumer SSDs, the write 
latencies will kill performance (most consumer SSD random write 
performance is "so-so" at best.).

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