Since there are no solutions comming back from the community - I guess I am the 
only one not overcoming this problem.

But least I have found a workaround.

Since we have increased our spooling cache to a size so that a complete full 
backup of the servers fits - and therefore no despooling in the middle of the 
backup is needed - the backup runs fine.

For me it is a clear bug somewhere in Bacula with all versions since 5.2.x .

Reading the error message it makes kinda sense now since the bacula-fd is 
giving the error. Once despooling starts during backup - the fd continues to 
send data - but is not getting an answer from the storage daemon. Hence giving 
up. there seams to be some kind of communication Bug between the client and the 
storage daemon when the despooling process starts.

Still I am not really happy with my workaround - and still looking forward that 
someone kicks in with a real solution.

Best Regards
--> David

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