
No I am not familiar with homebrew.  Sorry, I guess I was not very
clear, but my comment about "not very professional" was not at all
directed at homebrew.  It was directed at people who produce xx.tar
files when there are package systems available for a particular platform
whether it be .rpm, .deb, .dmg, ...  My point was that it is more
professional to use packages (if they exist) than .tar files.

The package built by the Bacula script does not itself do automatic
package updates, though it is possible that with a mac package manager
it all would work.  Other than having run the scripts and produced
Bacula Mac packages, I am not at all familiar with the details.

Best regards,

On 09/07/2014 06:03 PM, Paul Mather wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2014, at 10:34 AM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:
>> The Mac OS X client for Bacula should be a standard Mac OS X package --
>> a xxx.dmg file.
>> Anything that is a tar or other form is not very professional.  I am not
>> sure what homebrew supplies, but if they have done it right it is a .dmg.
> Oh, I see you're not familiar with Homebrew.  It is a package manager 
> for OS X, sort of in the same vein as Fink and MacPorts.  It's popular 
> with a lot of people who want access to lots of Unix open source 
> software and be able to manage it on an ongoing basis.
> I wouldn't decry it as being "not very professional" unless you also 
> consider the likes of yum, apt-get, pkg, etc. to be "not very 
> professional," too.  Sure, it's a different way, but not an unfamiliar 
> metaphor for someone working with an Ubuntu server (as the OP 
> mentioned), which is the only reason I mentioned it.
> I agree that using .dmg files is more commonplace on OS X.  Does the OS 
> X version include an option to check for updates?  I've never used it.
> As you pointed out in your original reply, "For the Mac's someone 
> probably has made the binaries and distributes them on the Internet."  
> I did a quick Web search and it seemed that was not the case.  I 
> couldn't find any.  So, it's great that Bacula Systems will be 
> providing free OS X binaries later this year.  That will be another 
> excellent resource for the Bacula community.
> In the meantime, folks can build their own from source, or maybe use 
> Homebrew to do the same. ;-)
>> The instructions for building it yourself on a Mac are in the Bacula
>> source distribution in:
>>  <bacula>/platforms/osx/README
>> Once you have the developer tools installed, it is a "piece of cake".
> It's pretty easy to install with Homebrew, too: brew install bacula-fd
> Cheers,
> Paul.
>> Best regards,
>> Kern
>> On 09/07/2014 04:06 PM, Paul Mather wrote:
>>> On Sep 7, 2014, at 5:42 AM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:
>>>> On 09/07/2014 07:33 AM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
>>>>> I'm interested in perhaps deploying this in my k-8 school, but I have not 
>>>>> found a good tutorial of how to install it. Or if it even works right on 
>>>>> Mac.
>>>>> Anyone have some insights on this? My idea would be to back about 30 macs 
>>>>> to an Ubuntu server.
>>>> This would be a good way to setup Bacula.  The Director, SD and catalog
>>>> work well on a Ubuntu server -- I recommend Trusty (14.04).  For the
>>>> Mac's someone probably has made the binaries and distributes them on the
>>>> Internet.  Otherwise if you load all the appropriate build tools on the
>>>> Mac, you can easily build the FD.   Later this year, Bacula Systems will
>>>> provide free binaries for MacOSX which should also help.
>>> I've not used Bacula on a Mac, but I do notice that Homebrew 
>>> (http://brew.sh) has a formula for bacula-fd, which could be used to 
>>> install the client.  Right now, it's only for the 5.x version (5.2.13), 
>>> though.
>>> I hope this helps.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Paul.

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