
Unfortunately, is seems like your Storage definition is not correct.  Also unfortunately, while I try to give occasional tips, I cannot supply full support, which is what you need at this point.  In fact, I am very good in writing Bacula core code, but not very good in doing support.  

Best regards,

On 09/09/2014 04:57 PM, Kenny Noe wrote:
Kern, et al....

I tried another backup.  Here is my cliconfig.  I parred it down to just the restore stuff.
# bluewhale
   Client {
      Name                   = bluewhale
      Address                = bluewhale.backup.bnesystems.com
      Catalog                = BS01-Catalog
      Password               = "xxxxxx"
      FileRetention          = 15 days
      JobRetention           = 15 days
      AutoPrune              = yes
      MaximumConcurrentJobs  = 1
   Job {
      Name                   = Restore_mail_bluewhale
      FileSet                = Full_mail_bluewhale
      Type                   = Restore
      Pool                   = Pool_mail_bluewhale
      Client                 = bluewhale
      Messages               = Standard
   Pool {
      Name                   = Pool_mail_bluewhale
      PoolType               = Backup
      Storage                = Storage_bluewhale
      MaximumVolumeJobs      = 1
      CatalogFiles           = yes
      AutoPrune              = yes
      VolumeRetention        = 1 week
      Recycle                = yes
      LabelFormat            = "mail-"
   Storage {
      Name                   = Storage_bluewhale
      Address                =
      SDPort                 = 9103
      Password               = "imadirector"
      Device                 = File_bluewhale
      MediaType              = NAS_bluewhale
      MaximumConcurrentJobs  = 1
   Schedule {
      Name                   = Schedule_mail_bluewhale
      Run                    = Level=Full sun-sat at 01:00
   FileSet {
      Name = Full_mail_bluewhale
      Include {
         Options {

During the restore I ran status storage from the console.  I get this

*status sto
The defined Storage resources are:
     1: Storage_asterisk
     2: Storage_besc-4dvapp
     3: Storage_besc-bs01
     4: Storage_besc-unixmgr01
     5: Storage_bluewhale
     6: Storage_demo
     7: Storage_dev
     8: Storage_mako
Select Storage resource (1-8): 5
Connecting to Storage daemon Storage_bluewhale at

BS01-SD1 Version: 5.2.2 (26 November 2011) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ubuntu 11.10
Daemon started 09-Sep-14 09:19. Jobs: run=1, running=0.
 Heap: heap=598,016 smbytes=386,922 max_bytes=405,712 bufs=947 max_bufs=949
 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8 mode=0,0

Running Jobs:
Reading: Full Restore job Restore_mail_bluewhale JobId=12922 Volume="mail-0386"
    pool="Pool_mail_bluewhale" device="File_bluewhale" (/nas/bacula/bluewhale)
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=2320699 fd=6

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 12913  Incr        108    73.85 M  OK       08-Sep-14 20:02 Backup_os_dev
 12912  Full          4    61.80 G  OK       08-Sep-14 20:24 Backup_app_demo
 12914  Incr        230    57.85 M  OK       09-Sep-14 00:00 Backup_os_asterisk
 12916  Incr         31    68.06 M  OK       09-Sep-14 00:01 Backup_os_besc-unixmgr01
 12917  Incr          0         0   Cancel   09-Sep-14 00:03 Backup_os_bluewhale
 12918  Full          4    501.3 M  OK       09-Sep-14 00:04 Backup_app_dev
 12915  Incr        256    1.099 G  OK       09-Sep-14 00:06 Backup_os_besc-bs01
 12919  Full          4    54.41 G  OK       09-Sep-14 01:04 Backup_app_mako
 12920                0         0   Cancel   09-Sep-14 09:17 Restore_mail_bluewhale
 12921                0         0   OK       09-Sep-14 09:43 Restore_mail_bluewhale

Device status:
Device "File_asterisk" (/nas/bacula/asterisk) is not open.
Device "File_besc-4dvapp" (/nas/bacula/besc-4dvapp) is not open.
Device "File_besc-bs01" (/nas/bacula/besc-bs01) is not open.
Device "File_besc-unixmgr01" (/nas/bacula/besc-unixmgr01) is not open.
Device "File_bluewhale" (/nas/bacula/bluewhale) is mounted with:
    Volume:      mail-0386
    Pool:        *unknown*
    Media type:  NAS_bluewhale
    Total Bytes Read=17,923,756,032 Blocks Read=277,836 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=4 Block=743,886,199
Device "File_demo" (/nas/bacula/demo) is not open.
Device "File_dev" (/nas/bacula/dev) is not open.
Device "File_mako" (/nas/bacula/mako) is not open.
Device "File_qa" (/nas/bacula/qa) is not open.
Device "File_qa2" (/nas/bacula/qa2) is not open.
Device "File_smart" (/nas/bacula/smart) is not open.

Used Volume status:
mail-0386 on device "File_bluewhale" (/nas/bacula/bluewhale)
    Reader=1 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=1
mail-0386 read volume JobId=12922


Why is Pool "*unknown*??  Device status show Total Bytes Read increasing each time I complete a status stirage check, BUT under the "Reading" section it shows "Bytes=0" and Bytes/sec=0"

Finally the "job" completes after approx 25 minutes and the log captures this

09-Sep 10:11 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: Start Restore Job Restore_mail_bluewhale.2014-09-09_10.11.16_04
09-Sep 10:11 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: Using Device "File_bluewhale"
09-Sep 10:11 BS01-SD1 JobId 12922: Ready to read from volume "mail-0386" on device "File_bluewhale" (/nas/bacula/bluewhale).
09-Sep 10:11 BS01-SD1 JobId 12922: Forward spacing Volume "mail-0386" to file:block 0:219.
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-SD1 JobId 12922: End of Volume at file 28 on device "File_bluewhale" (/nas/bacula/bluewhale), Volume "mail-0386"
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-SD1 JobId 12922: End of all volumes.
09-Sep 10:12 BS01-FD1 JobId 12922: Error: create_file.c:292 Could not open /tmp/data/backups/mail/fifo/mail.tar: ERR=Interrupted system call
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: Bacula BS01-DIR1 5.2.2 (26Nov11):
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ubuntu 11.10
  JobId:                  12922
  Job:                    Restore_mail_bluewhale.2014-09-09_10.11.16_04
  Restore Client:         besc-bs01
  Start time:             09-Sep-2014 10:11:18
  End time:               09-Sep-2014 10:33:31
  Files Expected:         1
  Files Restored:         0
  Bytes Restored:         0
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Restore OK -- warning file count mismatch

09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: Begin pruning Jobs older than 15 days .
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: No Jobs found to prune.
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: Begin pruning Files.
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: No Files found to prune.
09-Sep 10:33 BS01-DIR1 JobId 12922: End auto prune.


Thanks ----Kenny

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:

I would remove the

though I am not 100% sure it is used on a restore.

Then simply restore the file "mail.tar" making absolutely sure you have not marked any directories for restore.  Do the restore to /tmp. Then you will have the mail.tar file that you can detar manually to get your files back.

Best regards,

On 09/09/2014 03:25 PM, Kenny Noe wrote:
Ana,  Hi!  Thanks for the reply...   I get the same error no matter where I try and write to.  I've tried to a remote NAS and to local /tmp.

Kern,  below is my Fileset.  Should I remove the "Include" statment?

 FileSet {
      Name = Full_mail_bluewhale
      Include {
         Options {

Thank you all for your comments so far.  I'm still trying to complete the restore, so any input would be appreciated.



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