On 11/10/2014 10:00 AM, Florian wrote:
> Hello, everyone.
> I was wondering, if there is a way to avoid receiving one email for each 
> completed bacula job and instead receive a single mail with all messages.
> Also, if this is possible, would you recommend it or should I instead 
> try something like Web-Bacula to do some reporting?
> I am currently receiving mails for 6 jobs per day. Rising to 8 soon.
> Regards,
> Florian S.

Hi Florian!

heh  Like Dan said "only 6?"

Some of the sites we manage get 20+ emails/night. :)

We get 19/night here.

There are many options to choose from:

1. John mentioned a perl script to email you a summary

2. I wrote a Bacula summary email script which I shared here a while back:


That emails a short, basic report - and of course can be modded to provide any
additional info you might want/need.

3. Monitor Bacula's status with Nagios or other monitoring system. We use
Xymon here, and I wrote a custom Bacula test for it here:


4. Filter emails to separate folders. (boring)   hehe

5. Send all Bacula-related emails into a helpdesk system and have the system
automate your workflow.  We use Cerberus here (cerberusweb.com) and all "OK"
backup jobs get filtered into the "good backups" folder, and closed, while
"BAD" jobs, or Bacula daemon messages are put into the "problems" folder and
workers are notified via emails.

In addition, our helpdesk has widgets (we use gauges) that we can quickly look
at to get a visual indication that all backups have run at all client sites
(see attached image - we have a whole page of these widgets :)

** apologies if this turned into a Cerberus ad, didn't mean for it to **

6. Instead of the mail script using bsmtp to email the job, write a script
that appends the job's log to a file, then email that one file each night and
then delete it. (this might get ugly though having to scroll through all the
volume changes etc to get to each Summary.)  Other options is to have your
script pull out only the summaries from the file and send one email with just

Hope some of these options help, Florian!


Bill Arlofski
Reverse Polarity, LLC
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