7.x works just fine. There's not really any technical reason that it isn't in the distros yet, more just that nobody working with the various distros has taken the time to package it and put it in their repositories. I was able to build it quite easily myself, there's several features that are improved enough I'd say it's well worth putting in the effort.

Windows clients are currently stuck at 5.x, but they work fine with 7.x. The director needs to be >= the client versions so old clients work fine with a new director, but not vice versa. I have plenty of 5.x clients working with my 7.x director and storage daemon.

You might want to consider just doing an incremental backup say Mon/Tues, a differential Wed and then incrementals again Thurs/Fri/Sat? Unless you really really need differentials for some reason? Right now you're backing up the same data again and again every day which you may not want. IE anything new created on Monday gets backed up Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If all the data is going to the same volume then really just using incremental all week and not bothering with a differential at all would probably be fine. There wouldn't really be any substantial impact on restore given you're not using tapes.


On 2015-03-16 10:48 AM, Joseph Wagner wrote:
Greetings all. I just joined the mailing list.

I've been playing with Bacula 5.x for a while now and I have some questions.

Is Bacula 7.x ready for production or should I stick with 5.x? 5.x seems to be the default on some Linux distros.

As far as Windows clients are concerned. Which version should I be using for Bacula 5.x? I downloaded the binaries from the source forge page but those haven't been updated since 2012. They seem to work fine for the most part but I did experience a fatal networking error once or twice. Something else could have been the culprit there though.

As of now I've been backing up a single server to a 1TB SATA drive. A full backup is about 400 GB or so. It mostly works fine but I run into retention/recycling issues after a while. I've made some tweaks over time and it seems to work better but I'd like some input on this from someone for experienced with Bacula.

The job schedule is as follows...

Level=Full sun at 00:00 , Level=Differential mon-sat at 00:00

Basically I'd like this job to do this every week and prune old data when the media fills up. I originally set the retention period for the volume to 7 days, job retention to 30 days. The job is set to auto prune as well. However after about two weeks the media fills up and the job can no longer write to that volume. Today I just set the retention periods to 1 day just to see what would happen over time? Is this a bad idea? What would be a sane config to meet my goal?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joseph Wagner

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