On 06/24/2015 08:13 PM, Heitor Faria wrote:
>     Hi, I had a problem with space in my bacula server in May 2 so the
>     jobs had to stay in the queue. In May 3 bacula should do a full
>     backup but due to the space the job stayed in the queue and then
>     failed. The next jobs starting to entering the queue too ending up
>     in a long queue.
>     I solved the problem with space in May 23 and then the queue
>     started to run again and in May 23 it started an incremental job
>     scheduled to run on May 6. Since the full backup job failed and
>     left the queue on May 3 then this incremental was upgraded to
>     full. When the job finished the next one in the queue started, an
>     incremental one that was scheduled to run on May 7.
>     Now the problem:
>     This new incremental backup was upgraded to full too even that the
>     previous one was full. It appears that bacula considered the date
>     of the jobs in the queue to decide if it should upgrade and not
>     the date of the last full job. This ending up in bacula upgrading
>     every incremental backup in the queue to full until May 23 (when I
>     solved the space problem and the full backup was done) resulting
>     in about 17 full backups in the same month.
>     Is this normal behaviour? Shouldn't bacula consider the date of
>     the last full backup since the date the job is running instead of
>     the date the job was scheduled?
> Hello Rodrigo: yes, this seems accurate. Bacula can only perform
> incremental backups if it terminates successfully a backup from the
> specific client, with a given FileSet.
> About the duplicated jobs that stalled you can avoid that
> with the Allow Duplicate Job=no directive.

About the dis-allowed duplicate job - doesn't Bacula actually consider
that one also failed, so if you have "Rerun Failed Levels = yes" then
the full backup will be ran next time anyway.

At least this was the case in the past, if I recall correctly.

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