On 02/07/15 02:49 PM, Bill Arlofski wrote:
> On 07/02/2015 02:17 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
>> I'm finishing up rebuilding a server and just need to get a few files
>> back from a backup. I've got bacula going to the point that I can test
>> the configuration files and not see any errors. However I haven't
>> created any new pools yet. I want to make sure I don't touch the current
>> backup volumes until I get these files back.
>> I'm getting this when I try to run bextract:
>> root@molar:/etc/bacula# bextract -i /home/copy/restore-shares -V*
>> /home/shares/backup /home/shares/shared
>> bextract: butil.c:287 Using device: "/home/shares/backup" for reading.
>> 02-Jul 14:11 bextract JobId 0: Warning: acquire.c:239 Read open device
>> "FileStorage" (/home/shares/backup) Volume "*" failed: ERR=dev.c:568
>> Could not open: /home/shares/backup/*, ERR=No such file or directory
>> Mount Volume "*" on device "FileStorage" (/home/shares/backup) and press
>> return when ready:
> Hi Gary,
> The bextract -V option does not take wildcards.  You will need to do:
>   -V vol_001|vol_002|vol_003
> and so on for the volumes you want to extract from.
> Hope this helps.
> Bill
Thanks Bill. According to the fine manual:

"And finally, if you feel that specifying a Volume name is a bit 
complicated with a bootstrap file, you can use the *-V* option (on all 
programs except *bcopy*) to specify one or more Volume names separated 
by the vertical bar (|). For example,

./bls -V Vol001 /dev/nst0

You may also specify an asterisk (*) to indicate that the program should 
accept any volume. For example:

./bls -V* /dev/nst0"

I guess that is not quite accurate. You're right that it does seem to be 
taking the actual volume names. When I ran it against a single volume, 
it restored some files, so I created a .bsr file and it's doing the full 

Again, Thanks.

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