  I do not really understand why this back is failing (this is the only
back that never works), I have other machines in the same configuration
(bacula is in internal network and it makes the back through a firewall
port forwarding) and so many other on the same internal network.

ii  bacula
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    all          network backup service
- metapackage
ii  bacula-client
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    all          network backup service
- client metapackage
ii  bacula-common
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- common support files
ii  bacula-common-mysql
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- MySQL common files
ii  bacula-console
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- text console
ii  bacula-director-common
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- Director common files
ii  bacula-director-mysql
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- MySQL storage for Director
ii  bacula-fd
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- file daemon
ii  bacula-sd
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- storage daemon
ii  bacula-sd-mysql
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- MySQL SD tools
ii  bacula-server
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    all          network backup service
- server metapackage
ii  bacula-traymonitor
5.2.6+dfsg-5ubuntu1                    amd64        network backup service
- tray monitor

  The bacula back process start well, and asking the clients status
everything seems to be OK:

*status client=ibergrid-voms-fd
Connecting to Client ibergrid-voms-fd at ibergrid-voms.ifca.es:9102

ibergrid-voms-fd Version: 5.0.0 (26 January 2010)  x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
redhat (Carbon)
Daemon started 10-Jul-15 13:32, 9 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=91,924 max_bytes=794,880 bufs=97 max_bufs=502
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0

Running Jobs:
Director connected at: 13-Jul-15 10:32
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 16498  Full    137,046    1.624 G  OK       10-Jul-15 05:48
 16516  Full    137,045    1.231 G  OK       10-Jul-15 13:42
 16516  Full    137,045    1.231 G  OK       10-Jul-15 16:43
 16524  Full    137,045    1.231 G  OK       10-Jul-15 19:06
 16524  Full    137,045    1.231 G  OK       10-Jul-15 22:06
 16546  Full    137,056    1.231 G  OK       11-Jul-15 18:30
 16546  Full    137,056    1.231 G  OK       11-Jul-15 21:32
 16566  Full    137,067    1.231 G  OK       12-Jul-15 16:37
 16566  Full    137,067    1.225 G  OK       12-Jul-15 19:38
 16580  Full    137,078    1.226 G  OK       13-Jul-15 10:11

I do spooldata = yes

*13-Jul 10:11 bacula-sd JobId 16580: Job write elapsed time = 00:10:41,
Transfer rate = 1.942 M Bytes/second13-Jul 10:11 bacula-sd JobId 16580:
Committing spooled data to Volume "L30006L3". Despooling 1,249,398,751
bytes ...13-Jul 10:12 bacula-sd JobId 16580: Despooling elapsed time =
00:00:30, Transfer rate = 41.64 M Bytes/second13-Jul 10:12 bacula-sd JobId
16580: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling 31,611,415 bytes

While the client say that the job has ended correctly the diector see this
still running:

*Running Jobs:Console connected at 13-Jul-15 10:18 JobId Level
Full    BackIbergrid-voms.2015-07-13_10.01.02_03 is running........*

*The storage deamon sees the jobs end ok:====*status storage=TSM3500-LTO3
Connecting to Storage daemon TSM3500-LTO3 at bacula.ifca.es:9103
<http://bacula.ifca.es:9103>bacula-sd Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012)
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 12.10Daemon started 07-May-15 13:54. Jobs:
run=1611, running=0. Heap: heap=270,336 smbytes=1,093,786
max_bytes=2,185,198 bufs=144 max_bufs=191 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8
int32_t=4 int64_t=8 mode=0,0Running Jobs:No Jobs running.====*

*Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:====Terminated Jobs: JobId  Level
Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
Full    137,078    1.245 G  OK       13-Jul-15 10:12
BackIbergrid-voms====Device status:Autochanger "TSM3500" with devices:
"ULT3580-TD3" (/dev/nst1)   "ULT3580-TD5" (/dev/nst0)Device "FileStorage"
(/data/Bacula/Default) is not open.Device "ULT3580-TD3" (/dev/nst1) is
mounted with:    Volume:      L30006L3    Pool:        Full    Media type:
LTO-3    Slot 7 is loaded in drive 1.    Total Bytes=393,608,082,432
Blocks=1,501,523 Bytes/block=262,139    Positioned at File=425 Block=0*

*Device "ULT3580-TD5" (/dev/nst0) is not open.    Drive 0 is not
loaded.====Used Volume status:L30006L3 on device "ULT3580-TD3"
(/dev/nst1)    Reader=0 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=0L50014L5 on device
"ULT3580-TD5" (/dev/nst0)    Reader=0 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=0====Data
spooling: 0 active jobs, 0 bytes; 1302 total jobs, 19,998,308,040 max
bytes/job.Attr spooling: 0 active jobs, 9,230,696,467 bytes; 1302 total
jobs, 9,230,696,467 max bytes.====*

The spool data is no longer on spool directory.ls -la

-rw-r----- 1 bacula tape 237513329 Jul 13 10:03

 ls -la

ls: cannot access
No such file or directory

During long time (1h-2h ) , list jobs, soy the job as running...

16,580 | BackIbergrid-voms      | 2015-07-13 10:01:05 | B    | F
|         0 |                 0 | R

**messages13-Jul 12:01 bacula-dir JobId 16580: Fatal error: Network error
with FD during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer13-Jul 12:01 bacula-dir
JobId 16580: Fatal error: No Job status returned from FD.13-Jul 12:01
bacula-dir JobId 16580: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):  Build
OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 12.10  JobId:
16580  Job:                    BackIbergrid-voms.2015-07-13_10.01.02_03
Backup Level:           Full  Client:                 "ibergrid-voms-fd"
5.0.0 (26Jan10) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat,(Carbon)
FileSet:                "FullServicesNoHome" 2013-09-02 23:05:00
Pool:                   "Full" (From Job FullPool override)
Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage:                "TSM3500-LTO3" (From Job resource)  Scheduled
time:         13-Jul-2015 10:00:59  Start time:             13-Jul-2015
10:01:05  End time:               13-Jul-2015 12:01:06  Elapsed
time:           2 hours 1 sec  Priority:               10  FD Files
Written:       0  SD Files Written:       137,078  FD Bytes Written:
0 (0 B)  SD Bytes Written:       1,245,362,413 (1.245 GB)
Rate:                   0.0 KB/s  Software Compression:   None
VSS:                    no  Encryption:             no
Accurate:               no  Volume name(s):         L30006L3  Volume
Session Id:      1611  Volume Session Time:    1430999647  Last Volume
Bytes:      393,608,082,432 (393.6 GB)  Non-fatal FD errors:    1  SD
Errors:              0  FD termination status:  Error  SD termination
status:  OK  Termination:            *** Backup Error ****| 16,580 |
BackIbergrid-voms      | 2015-07-13 10:01:05 | B    | F     |         0
|                 0 | f

Any Idea?

Cheers, I

Iban Cabrillo Bartolome
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA)
Santander, Spain
Tel: +34942200969
Bertrand Russell:
*"El problema con el mundo es que los estúpidos están seguros de todo y los
inteligentes están llenos de dudas*"
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