On 08/11/2015 06:43 AM, Andrey Tataranovich wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm using bacula 5.2.6 to backup several servers to HDD storage.
> Recently I tried to restore a backup job which is about a week old and
> encounter problem:
> Error: block.c:318 Volume data error at 2:1331430350!
> Block checksum mismatch in block=153792 len=64512: calc=782b2290
> blk=5201271d
> What can I use on regular basis to ensure that bacula still can read
> volume? Unfortunately verify job checks only the last job but data
> corruption could happen later.
> Thanks in advance.

Hi Andrey,

As of v5.2.x, you have the ability to specify any jobid to be verified on the
command line. From the v5.2.1 main.pdf manual:

New Features in 5.2.x
3.6 Ability to Verify any specified Job

You now have the ability to tell Bacula which Job should verify instead of
automatically verify just the last one.

This feature can be used with VolumeToCatalog, DiskToCatalog and Catalog level.

To verify a given job, just specify the Job jobid in argument when starting
the job.

* run job=VerifyVolume jobid=1 level=VolumeToCatalog

So, if you really wanted to periodically check (a|any|random) Bacula file
volume(s) you could easily script it by piping such a run command to bconsole
with the required jobid.

Hope this helps.


Bill Arlofski
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