
2015-09-09 13:17 GMT+02:00 Wanderlei Huttel <wanderleihut...@gmail.com>:

> The log file!
> 08-Set 22:00 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Start Backup JobId 1609, 
> Job=Backup_VM_Servidor_Intranet.2015-09-08_22.00.00_02
>  So, the job wasn't gone, but finished with an error.

> 08-Set 22:00 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Using Device "DiscoLocal2" to write.
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: shell command: run ClientRunBeforeJob 
> "powershell C:/'Program Files'/Bacula/scripts/stop_virtual_machine.ps1 
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: ClientRunBeforeJob: Backup Virtual 
> Machine SRV_INTRANET - Id: cc1c79ae-715f-431d-ad53-cf9a7bab7d9b
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: ClientRunBeforeJob: SRV_INTRANET is 
> Running, beginning shutdown
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: ClientRunBeforeJob: SRV_INTRANET 
> shutdown completed
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: ClientRunBeforeJob: Bacula started 
> copying files
> 08-Set 22:00 bacula-sd JobId 1609: Recycled volume "Volume-VM-0001" on file 
> device "DiscoLocal2" (/mnt/disco02/bacula), all previous data lost.
> 08-Set 22:01 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win64 
> VSS", Drive(s)="C"
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-sd JobId 1609: End of medium on Volume "Volume-VM-0001" 
> Bytes=3,999,937,524 Blocks=62,003 at 08-Set-2015 22:09.
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Error: sql_create.c:387 Volume 
> "Volume-VM-0001" already exists.
>  There is something wrong with your configuration. How did you created a
volume: "Volume-VM-0001"?

> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Purging oldest volume "Volume-VM-0001"
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 1609: 1 File on Volume "Volume-VM-0001" purged 
> from catalog.
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 1609: There are no more Jobs associated with 
> Volume "Volume-VM-0001". Marking it purged.
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 1609: All records pruned from Volume 
> "Volume-VM-0001"; marking it "Purged"
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-sd JobId 1609: Recycled volume "Volume-VM-0001" on file 
> device "DiscoLocal2" (/mnt/disco02/bacula), all previous data lost.
> 08-Set 22:09 bacula-sd JobId 1609: New volume "Volume-VM-0001" mounted on 
> device "DiscoLocal2" (/mnt/disco02/bacula) at 08-Set-2015 22:09.
>  Things are getting worse. You overwrite your first volume in the job.
What is your configuration?

> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Task 
> Scheduler Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "VSS 
> Metadata Store Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): 
> "Performance Counters Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "System 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): 
> "Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "FSRM 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): 
> "SqlServerWriter", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "ASR 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "BITS 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Registry 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI 
> Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Shadow 
> Copy Optimization Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "COM+ 
> REGDB Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Set 22:11 srv_hyperv-fd JobId 1609: shell command: run ClientAfterJob 
> "powershell C:/'Program Files'/Bacula/scripts/start_virtual_machine.ps1 
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-sd JobId 1609: Elapsed time=00:10:21, Transfer rate=7.373 
> M Bytes/second
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-sd JobId 1609: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
> Despooling 1,630 bytes ...
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Warning: Error updating job record. 
> bdb.h:101 Update failed: affected_rows=0 for UPDATE Job SET 
> JobStatus='T',EndTime='2015-09-08 
> 22:10:38',ClientId=13,JobBytes=4578900197,ReadBytes=12587146777,JobFiles=4,JobErrors=1,VolSessionId=14,VolSessionTime=1441722251,PoolId=13,FileSetId=47,JobTDate=1441761038,RealEndTime='2015-09-08
>  22:10:38',PriorJobId=0,HasBase=0,PurgedFiles=0 WHERE JobId=1609
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Warning: Error getting Job record for Job 
> report: ERR=sql_get.c:307 No Job found for JobId 1609
> Check what is wrong with your database (out of space issue?).

> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 7.2.0 (14Aug15):
>   Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 7.8
>   JobId:                  1609
>   Job:                    Backup_VM_Servidor_Intranet.2015-09-08_22.00.00_02
>   Backup Level:           Full
>   Client:                 "srv_hyperv-fd" 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Standard 
> Edition (build 9200), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
>   FileSet:                "FileSet_VM_SRV_Intranet" 2015-09-08 10:27:06
>   Pool:                   "VM" (From Run Pool override)
>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>   Storage:                "StorageLocal2" (From Pool resource)
>   Scheduled time:         08-Set-2015 22:00:00
>   Start time:             08-Set-2015 22:00:09
>   End time:               08-Set-2015 22:10:38
>   Elapsed time:           10 mins 29 secs
>   Priority:               10
>   FD Files Written:       4
>   SD Files Written:       4
>   FD Bytes Written:       4,578,900,197 (4.578 GB)
>   SD Bytes Written:       4,578,901,221 (4.578 GB)
>   Rate:                   7279.7 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   63.6% 2.7:1
>   Snapshot/VSS:           yes
>   Encryption:             no
>   Accurate:               no
>   Volume name(s):         Volume-VM-0001
>   Volume Session Id:      14
>   Volume Session Time:    1441722251
>   Last Volume Bytes:      583,826,883 (583.8 MB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    1
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 year .
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: No Jobs found to prune.
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: Begin pruning Files.
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: No Files found to prune.
> 08-Set 22:10 bacula-dir JobId 1609: End auto prune.
> 2015-09-09 7:45 GMT-03:00 Wanderlei Huttel <wanderleihut...@gmail.com>:
>> Good Mornig
>> Yesterday I've made my first backup of virtual machines (after a lot of
>> tests).
>> I'm using a script to shutdown the machines, bacula copy the .vhd and
>> .vhdx files,
>> and after copy, start vm's again.
>> I have 3 vm's (2 Windows Server 2012 R2 and 1 Linux Debian 7.7) and the
>> vm host is Windows 2012 R2
>> The first VM that starts the backup was Linux Server, and I saw that
>> completes successfully, but then went looking for the job and it was gone
>> (JobId 1609 and after I did another one JobId 1614)
>> I can see thes because the log in fd client
>> Terminated Jobs:
>>  JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
>> ======================================================================
>>   1258  Full          4    9.811 G  OK       07-Sep-15 20:55
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Windows1
>>   1259  Full          4    6.747 G  OK       07-Sep-15 21:20
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Windows2
>>   1605  Full         31    3.075 M  OK       08-Sep-15 21:31
>> Backup_Host_Hyper-V
>>   1609  Full          4    4.578 G  OK       08-Sep-15 22:11
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Linux
>>   1612  Full          4    6.745 G  OK       08-Sep-15 22:33
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Windows1
>>   1613  Full          4    9.842 G  OK       08-Sep-15 23:01
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Windows2
>>   1614  Full          4    4.578 G  OK       08-Sep-15 23:12
>> Backup_VM_Servidor_Linux
>> What could have happened to this thing?
>> Thanks Wanderlei
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