On 10/15/15 13:21, Doug Sampson wrote:
>>>> You could manually revert the version table in the DB to the previous
>>>> version, run the update script again, and record the errors this time.
>>> How does one accomplish this? Is there a secret trick to revise the
>> version?
>> This query should do it, assuming your Bacula schema is named 'bacula'
>> and you haven't skipped any intervening DB versions before the current 15:
>> update bacula.Version set VersionId = 14;
> Forgive my ignorance but at this point, I am unsure which choice to choose:
> *update bacula.Version set VersionId = 14;
> Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
> Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
> Update choice:
>      1: Volume parameters
>      2: Pool from resource
>      3: Slots from autochanger
>      4: Long term statistics
>      5: Snapshot parameters
> Choose catalog item to update (1-5):  

No, not within bconsole.  That's a direct SQL query to be executed in
your database.  I'm sorry that wasn't clear.

You should stop Bacula; connect directly to your database; run the SQL
query, modifying as necessary if your Bacula catalog database is not
called 'bacula'; and re-run the update tables script, recording the
error messages this time.  Then report the errors.  That should give us
enough information to advise you on solving your problem.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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