On 12/2/2015 1:22 PM, Rich Otero wrote:

I have a system where the Bacula File Daemon must run on a high-availability pair of servers. I have some services managed by Pacemaker, but I have not configured this yet for the Bacula services. If I configure bacula-fd identically and start it on both servers in the HA pair, will there be a problem? In other words, does bacula-fd attempt to connect to bacula-dir, or does bacula-dir only connect to bacula-fd when needed? If it's the former scenario, then it is necessary for me to configure Pacemaker to start and stop bacula-fd on the HA servers so that only one has it running at a time. If it is the latter scenario, then I can setup init to start bacula-fd on both servers and simply configure bacula-dir to find its clients at the HA "floating" IP address that is managed by Pacemaker

It depends on what needs to be backed up. If only the shared storage on DRBD, etc. is to be backed up, then configure pacemaker to start/stop bacula-fd with a colocation constraint to force bacula-fd to run only on the machine having the floating IP, which will also be the machine where the shared storage is mounted.

If the HA nodes themselves are also to be backed up, then there will be 3 instances of bacula-fd. Each node should run bacula-fd listening only at its internal LAN IP, and those bacula-fd instances will have FileSets that backup everything BUT shared storage. The bacula-fd listening only on the floating IP will still be controlled by pacemaker and will backup shared storage only. So there will be 3 FileSets, one for node-1 non-shared storage, one for node-2 non-shared storage, and one for the shared storage only.

Remember that a one node failure will result in the shared storage being taken over by the surviving node. You need to be able to restore the failed node without affecting the shared storage, since the surviving node will be live and actively using the shared storage. The FileSets for the nodes MUST not specify any shared storage.


Thanks for your help.

Rich Otero
Director, Technical Support and Professional Services
rot...@editshare.com <mailto:rot...@editshare.com>

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