
I'm getting an error and having an hard time figuring the reason, so I'm 
looking for some insight.

I have a job that backups a Windows client. It
_ dumps some databases in "Client Run Before Job";
_ backs the dump files normally to a NAS which is running bacula-sd;
_ runs a "Run After Job" script that:
   mounts that NAS via NFS;
   runs bextract on the storage file used by the job;
   uploads those file somewhere else.

It has been working flawlessly for a long time, but in the last two days 
I'm getting messages like:

> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: bextract: butil.c:289-0 Using device: 
> "BackupXXXXXX" for reading.
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: 23-Feb 22:52 bextract JobId 0: Ready 
> to read from volume "GestI1242" on file device "BackupXXXXXX" 
> (/mnt/XXXXXXbackup).
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: bextract JobId 0: -rwxrwxrwx   1 root  
>    wheel      300042752 2016-02-23 22:51:07  
> /usr/local/local/XXXXXXDBs/2016022322521456264333/C:/Users/Public/Bacula/1.bak
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: bextract JobId 0: -rwxrwxrwx   1 root  
>    wheel      187002368 2016-02-23 22:51:12  
> /usr/local/local/XXXXXXDBs/2016022322521456264333/C:/Users/Public/Bacula/2.bak
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: 23-Feb 22:52 bextract JobId 0: Error: 
> block_util.c:352 Volume data error at 0:53803237!
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: Block checksum mismatch in block=835 
> len=64512: calc=6c456dfa blk=f9b4bb13
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: 23-Feb 22:52 bextract JobId 0: Error: 
> file_attrs.c:568 File size of restored file 
> /usr/local/local/XXXXXXDBs/2016022322521456264333/C:/Users/Public/Bacula/2.bak
>  not correct. Original 187002368, restored 90963752.
> 23-Feb 22:52 dir JobId 5202: AfterJob: 2 files restored.

There should be 4 restored files, but the second gives an error and the 
procedure stops.

I know NFS has problems with very large files (>2GB), but the storage 
file in this case is less than 100MB.
What can cause that "Volume data error"?

  bye & Thanks

P.S. The version is 7.0.5 on FreeBSD 9.3 and the NAS is a Zyxel NSA-310 
(I've been using several such objects with bacula without problems for a 
long time).

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