Hello Simon,

I´m not a FreeBSD expert, but from here:
http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-scsi/2003-June/000190.html, it
seems you should configure BSF at EOM = yes (if I am not misunderstanding).

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Simon Templar <stemp...@opposedtwin.com>

> Or perhaps a more accurate subject would be "Trouble successfully using
> Bacula on FreeBSD"...
> I've set up bacula 7.2 on my FreeBSD server using Postgres as the
> backend database.
> My tape drive info:
> mt -f /dev/nsa0 status
> Drive: sa0: <QUANTUM ULTRIUM 6 4142> Serial Number: ##############
> ---------------------------------
> Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
> Current:  0x5a:LTO-6           variable       384607   enabled (0x1)
> ---------------------------------
> Current Driver State: at rest.
> ---------------------------------
> Partition:   0      Calc File Number:   0     Calc Record Number: 0
> Residual:    0  Reported File Number:   0 Reported Record Number: 0
> Flags: BOP
> I've iterated through the config files until they seemed to be correct
> (though I admit I'm over my head with the bacula-sd.conf specifics, and
> I've tried and failed with examples that I've found for LTO drives and
> also with FreeBSD-specific options), then dumped and recreated the
> tables and deleted the old .state files so I had a "clean slate". I ran
> btape test which was successful, but when I run btape fill it
> successfully writes to both tapes, then fails on the read/unfill portion
> with this output:
> Reading the first 10000 records from 0:0.
> 10000 records read now at 1:5084
> Reposition from 1:5084 to 2501:6988
> Reading block 6988.
> The blocks differ at byte 0
> !!!! The last block written and the block
> that was read back differ. The test FAILED !!!!
> This must be corrected before you use Bacula
> to write multi-tape Volumes.!!!!
> btape: btape.c:2585-0 Autochanger returned: 0
> Mount second tape. Press enter when ready:
> btape: btape.c:2588-0
> 29-Feb 09:46 btape JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume2" on
> tape device "QuantumLTO" (/dev/nsa0).
> Reposition from 0:0 to 0:1
> Reading block 1.
> The first block on the second tape matches.
> Reposition from 0:2 to 0:1001
> Reading block 1001.
> The blocks differ at byte 0
> !!!! The last block written and the block
> that was read back differ. The test FAILED !!!!
> This must be corrected before you use Bacula
> to write multi-tape Volumes.!!!!
> Bacula interrupted by signal 11: Segmentation violation
> Kaboom! btape, btape got signal 11 - Segmentation violation at
> 29-Feb-2016 09:46:33. Attempting traceback.
> Kaboom! exepath=/root
> Calling: /root/btraceback /root/btape 1377 /tmp
> It looks like the traceback worked...
> Dumping: /tmp/btape.1377.lockdump
> btape: lockmgr.c:1158-0 lockmgr disabled
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> My current bacula-sd.conf file:
> Storage {
>    Name             = UralTape
>    WorkingDirectory = "/usr/local/bacula/working"
>    Pid Directory    = "/var/run"
> }
> Director {
>    Name     = Director-Ural
>    Password = "#################"
> }
> Device {
>    Name           = QuantumLTO
>    Media Type     = LTO6
>    Device Type = Tape
>    ArchiveDevice = /dev/nsa0
>    Description = "LTO-6 for FreeBSD"
>    LabelMedia     = yes
>    AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>    AlwaysOpen = yes
>    RemovableMedia = yes
>    Offline On Unmount = no
>    Hardware End of Medium = no           # Noted as FreeBSD specific
>    BSF at EOM = no                       # Noted as FreeBSD specific
>    Backward Space Record = no            # Noted as FreeBSD specific
>    Fast Forward Space File = yes         # Noted as FreeBSD specific
>    TWO EOF = no                          # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> # for data spooling
> Maximum Spool Size = 75gb
> Maximum Job Spool Size = 75gb
> Spool Directory = /usr/local/bacula/spool
> #  If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
> #  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"
> }
> Messages {
>    Name     = Standard
>    director = Director-Ural = all
> }
> I saved each version of my bacula-sd.conf file and can share them, but I
> think the primary (if not only?) differences are the lines with the
> comments about being FreeBSD-specific.
> In the past I've used this same platform while running centos to create
> multi-tape tars of xfs filesystems, and also used ltfs without issue. It
> was recently that we moved to FreeBSD and this tape backup solution is
> the last component I'm wrestling with.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Simon
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