I have not heard of this on Debian, but it is a problem on Ubuntu and in their bugzilla database.  I suspect that even though Ubuntu takes a number of Debian packages, they probably add some different linking options.

On 10/02/2016 01:41 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:
On 01.10.2016 16:51, Hankins, Jonathan wrote:

It seems weird that the bacula package in Debian and Ubuntu, et al, is
broken and no one has noticed (checked Debian bug database). I know
Debian has been on 5.x in the stable release for years (still is). It's
possible that 7.0.5 got packaged for their testing release and maybe
Ubuntu xenial picked it up and thus Mint 18. My guess is most folks
using bacula on a Debian distro are on Debian stable, and not Ubuntu or
mint (workstation oriented releases...if anything, may be using
bacula-fd) and thus no one has noticed. I'll do a little digging and
talk to the person who packages bacula for Debian and see if I figure it
I don't know about Bacula being broken on Debian.

I've been using Bacula at work on Debian since version 1.34 back in 2004
and had it never not work. Right now I am up to 7.4.3 on Jessie from
backports, running backups for about 250 systems.

Privately I run in Debian Unstable, backuping 10 systems to disk and
tape. Again, never experienced the problems you have.

If Bacula was unusable and broken on Debian, there would be bug reports
in the BTS.


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