hi All

Can't believe I'm having this runaround but I am.

Tape drive needed a new tape. So I unmount, put in new tape, and mount. 

Guess I should have 'label' first.

But anyway, now Bacula sees the tape but insists it is unlabelled.

Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Automatically selected Storage: TapeServer
The Volume= on device="LTO-6" (/dev/nst0) appears to be unlabeled.
3905 Device ""LTO-6" (/dev/nst0)" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
02-Oct 14:19 TapeServer JobId 3159: Error: The Volume=NonNASFull-0015 on 
device="LTO-6" (/dev/nst0) appears to be unlabeled.

I've gone around in circles with mount, unmount, label, including physically 
removing the tape after unmount, but not getting anywhere.

Will some kind soul please advise the magic incantation to make this work?

Thanks, Ian

i...@zti.co.za http://www.zti.co.za
Zero 2 Infinity - The net.works
Phone +27-21-975-7273

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