Hello Josh

I'm running all bacula daemons as root

root@bacula:~# ps -aux | grep bacula
root       346  0.3  0.1 728908  7280 ?        Ssl  Nov07  41:23
/sbin/bacula-sd -v -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
root       353  0.0  0.0 204804  4724 ?        Ssl  Nov07   4:38
/sbin/bacula-fd -v -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
root       360  0.0  0.1 759796  6724 ?        Ssl  Nov07   0:21
/sbin/bacula-dir -v -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

Best Regards

*Wanderlei Hüttel*

2016-11-16 10:28 GMT-02:00 Josh Fisher <jfis...@pvct.com>:

> On 11/15/2016 7:46 PM, Wanderlei Huttel wrote:
> I was making a test for a Brazilian guy, and I've created a Device in
> bacula-sd.conf as Removable Device. (I'm using bacula 7.4.4)
> Device {
>   Name = DiscoLocal3
>   Media Type = File
>   Device Type = File
>   Archive Device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-
> 770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2"
>   LabelMedia = yes
>   RemovableMedia = yes
>   Random Access = yes
>   Requires Mount = yes
>   Mount Point  = "/mnt/disco_usb"
>   Mount Command = "/bin/mount -t ext4 %a %m"
>   Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 50
> }
> Check that the user:group that bacula-sd runs as has permission to mount
> that device at that mount point.
> In bconsole I receive a message asking for label new media:
> 15-Nov 22:35 bacula-sd JobId 31: Warning: label.c:368 Open file device
> "DiscoLocal3" (/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2)
> Volume "Volume-Default-0006" failed: ERR=file_dev.c:185 Could not
> open(/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-
> 33b6d4599ce2/Volume-Default-0006,CREATE_READ_WRITE,0640): ERR=Not a
> directory
> 15-Nov 22:35 bacula-sd JobId 31: Warning: label.c:368 Open file device
> "DiscoLocal3" (/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2)
> Volume "Volume-Default-0006" failed: ERR=file_dev.c:185 Could not
> open(/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-
> 33b6d4599ce2/Volume-Default-0006,CREATE_READ_WRITE,0640): ERR=Not a
> directory
> 15-Nov 22:35 bacula-sd JobId 31: Warning: mount.c:222 Open of file device
> "DiscoLocal3" (/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2)
> Volume "Volume-Default-0006" failed: ERR=file_dev.c:185 Could not
> open(/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-
> 33b6d4599ce2/Volume-Default-0006,CREATE_READ_WRITE,0640): ERR=Not a
> directory
> 15-Nov 22:35 bacula-sd JobId 31: Please mount append Volume
> "Volume-Default-0006" or label a new one for:
>     Job:          Backup_Servidor_Bacula.2016-11-15_22.29.58_03
>     Storage:      "DiscoLocal3" (/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-
> 770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2)
>     Pool:         Pool-Default
>     Media type:   File
> In debugging bacula-sd it looks that bacula had mounted the device
> correctly, but it looks bacula is trying to use "Arquive Device, instead
> Mount Point"
> bacula-sd: file_dev.c:313-31 mount_file: cmd=/bin/mount -t ext4
> /dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2 /mnt/disco_usb
> mounted=0
> bacula-sd: file_dev.c:324-31 mount_file run_prog=/bin/mount -t ext4
> /dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-33b6d4599ce2 /mnt/disco_usb
> bacula-sd: file_dev.c:410-31 ============ mount=1
> bacula-sd: file_dev.c:179-31 open disk: mode=OPEN_READ_WRITE
> open(/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-
> 33b6d4599ce2/Volume-Default-0006, 0x2, 0640)
> bacula-sd: file_dev.c:186-31 open failed: file_dev.c:185 Could not
> open(/dev/disk/by-uuid/7345471b-770e-438e-8124-
> 33b6d4599ce2/Volume-Default-0006,OPEN_READ_WRITE,0640): ERR=Not a
> directory
> Am I doing something wrong ?
> Best Regards
> *Wanderlei Hüttel*
> http://www.huttel.com.br
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