On Thursday 2017-01-26 11:34:45 Thing wrote:
> So I would like to take my volumes that I have backed up and copy them
> to a gluster NAS in a remote location.
> Assuming I have a bare system with a clean bacula running but an empty
> mysql database instance, how do I import the volumes into bacula? (I
> assume then a recover off them is easy?)

Yes, you can use bscan tool to read the volumes into the bacula

If your bacula setup completely broken you can still restore files
from your volumes manually but this is another story.

If you have a clean bacula setup the bscan approach is the right
way to do it (and the easier one).

> So does someone have a document out there I can read please for a
> complete procedure to import
> volumes?

I believe that bacula manual could be helpful:

Look for bscan. It starts at section 1.7 at 10th page.

There is a section 1.7.2 Using bscan to Recreate a Catalog from a Volume

Good luck.

Josip Deanovic

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