On 18/03/17 07:41, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello Jim,
> I am checking with a tape drive "expert" perhaps he has some ideas.  My 
> problem is time, not money.

I'm no expert, just someone who's had to debug things :)

Thankfully all ultrium(LTO) drives behave the same no matter who they're
made by and I see you're using the generic st driver

I take it you're aware there was a bug introduced into older versions of
btape which will result in tests failing?
It's important to be running a bacula version from after January 2017 to
avoid this.

This is my current config (IBM SAS LTO6 drive in a Quantum i500 robot) -
as you can see I just run them in as vanilla a state as possible.

The configuration for the previous setup (HP FC LTO5 drives in a Neo8000
robot) was almost identical.

The /etc/bacula/DEVICE/* items are symlinks to /dev/tape/by-id/ in order
to make identification of the drives easier for operators.
In a single drive setup there's no advantage to this over using /dev/nst0

Device {
### library physical position 0,2
  Name = MSSLYF-5
  Drive Index = 5
  Device Type = Tape
  Media Type = LTO5
  AutoChanger = yes ;
  Autoselect = yes ## change to no to prevent bacula using the drive
  Archive Device = /etc/bacula/DEVICES/MSSLYF-5
  Control Device = /etc/bacula/DEVICES/MSSLYF-5-sg
# beyond this number of jobs for a drive, bacula will attempt
# to load another tape in the same pool in another drive
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 40
# allow for cleaning cycles
  Maximum Changer Wait = 20 minutes
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Volume Poll Interval = 600
  #Alert Command = "sh -c '/usr/local/bin/gettapeinfo.sh
  Alert Command = /opt/bacula/scripts/tapealert %l
  Spool Directory = /var/bacula/spool/TAPE
  Maximum File Size = 16G
  Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
  Maximum block size = 2M
  Maximum Spool Size     = 220G
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 50G

> What OS and version are you using, and what version of Bacula are you 
> using (sorry if you already answered these questions).
> Best regards,
> Kern
> On 03/17/2017 08:02 PM, Jim Richardson wrote:
>> Kern,
>> Unfortunately both of your options did not work.  Both failed with the exact 
>> same results.  I would really like to get this solution running even if it 
>> means I have to put some dollars into it.  The drive I have is new 
>> manufactured in 12/2015 with the latest firmware from 1/2016.  I took the 
>> cover off the library and the drive itself is labeled as a LTO Ultrium 7-H 
>> SAS with the same markings as an IBM TS2270.   When I look up the TS2270 is 
>> spot on.  It's designation is  Model 3580 H7(S) - (S) for SAS as in my case 
>> or (F) for fiber channel.
>> http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/storage/tape/ts2270/specifications.html
>> Crazy how incestuous our technology manufacturers are.
>> Jim Richardson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:k...@sibbald.com]
>> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 11:53 AM
>> To: Jim Richardson <j...@securit360.com>; bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Dell TL1000 IBM3850-HH7
>> Hello Jim,
>> mt does not generally do the same operations as Bacula.  Bacula uses many 
>> more ioctl calls.
>> I recommend to first try using the HP-UX tape drive configuration in 
>> bacula-sd.conf.  This reduces the use of more modern features such as 
>> hardware EOM where the drive knows where the end of data is and how to seek 
>> to it.
>> Then try using the FreeBSD configuration.  This reduces even more the use of 
>> more modern features and accomplishes many functions using the very simple 
>> tape ioctl calls.
>> One or the other will probably work for you.  If not, you have a rather 
>> strange drive, and Bacula can probably adapt to it, but it takes a good 
>> knowledge of tape drives and the ioctl calls and quite a lot of time.
>> Is this one of those new LTO-7 drives or is it an old drive. In searching 
>> Internet, I don't find any specifications for it.
>> Best regards,
>> Kern
>> On 03/17/2017 05:16 PM, Jim Richardson wrote:
>>> Good Morning,
>>> Thank you for your response.  I have done as instructed, basically where I 
>>> started off with the exact results.  I am not using the IBM driver as shown 
>>> below with my lsmod results.  The errors seems to be around the responses 
>>> to the FSF when Bacula is trying to reach EOF/EOT.  First attempt is 
>>> obviously EOT of the medium limit shown by tapeinfo.  The second is correct 
>>> and attempts to write a fourth file.  After the file is written the tape is 
>>> rewound, then each file is read again, when Bacula reaches EOF of the 
>>> fourth file it errors out.
>>> What are the configuration options that control how Bacula accepts EOF/EOT? 
>>>  Mt has two-fms for EOF, Bacula has several all of which I have tried.  
>>> Hardware End of Medium, Fast Forward Space File, Use MTIOCGET, BSF at EOM, 
>>> Two EOM all of which either return the same result or kick out a different 
>>> error like "reposition error".   The worst part of this is that I can 
>>> control the tape drive with mt all day long with no issues.  I can 
>>> replicate the append procedure using mt commands.
>>> ##---------------- bacula-sd.conf
>>> #
>>> # A Linux or Solaris LTO-7 tape drive
>>> #
>>> Device {
>>>     Name = ULT3580-HH7
>>>     Media Type = LTO-7
>>>     Archive Device = /dev/nst0
>>>     AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>>>     AlwaysOpen = yes;
>>>     RemovableMedia = yes;
>>>     RandomAccess = no;
>>> #  Maximum File Size = 5GB
>>>     Changer Command = "/usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>>>     Changer Device = /dev/sg3
>>>     AutoChanger = yes
>>> #  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
>>>     Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
>>> ## If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
>>> ## Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"
>>> }
>>> ##---------------- lsmod | grep 'st\|ibm'
>>> dm_persistent_data     67216  1 dm_thin_pool
>>> dm_bufio               27972  1 dm_persistent_data
>>> dm_mod                114430  68 dm_persistent_data,dm_bufio,dm_thin_pool
>>> osst                   57198  0
>>> st                     54238  2
>>> libcrc32c              12644  2 xfs,dm_persistent_data
>>> usb_storage            66762  3 uas
>>> Jim Richardson
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:k...@sibbald.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 2:53 AM
>>> To: Jim Richardson <j...@securit360.com>;
>>> bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Dell TL1000 IBM3850-HH7
>>> Hello,
>>> First, remove all the directives you have added to the Device resource in 
>>> your bacula-sd.conf file, and use the standard Device resource for tapes 
>>> that is in the distributed bacula-sd.conf file.  Then retry running the 
>>> test.  If you need to make changes such as the block size, ..., make the 
>>> changes and rerun the test. If it fails, you have most likely configured 
>>> something incorrect.
>>> If you are using the IBM tape driver, you may also have these kinds of 
>>> problems.  Make sure (lsmod) that you are using the standard Linux tape 
>>> driver (st).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kern
>>> On 03/17/2017 03:19 AM, Jim Richardson wrote:
>>>> I cannot seem to get my IBM3850-HH7 installed in a Dell PowerVault TL1000 
>>>> to pass Bacula btape test.  Below is the output, I have tried every 
>>>> combination of configuration.  Below is my information.  Can someone 
>>>> please point me to a configuration that works?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2017.03.16 20:47:12
>>>> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= btape -v /dev/stnfs0st90 Tape block
>>>> granularity is 1024 bytes.
>>>> btape: butil.c:290-0 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
>>>> btape: btape.c:477-0 open device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0): OK *test
>>>> === Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
>>>> I'm going to write 10000 records and an EOF then write 10000 records
>>>> and an EOF, then rewind, and re-read the data to verify that it is
>>>> correct.
>>>> This is an *essential* feature ...
>>>> btape: btape.c:1157-0 Wrote 10000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1173-0 Wrote 10000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1215-0 Rewind OK.
>>>> 10000 blocks re-read correctly.
>>>> 10000 blocks re-read correctly.
>>>> === Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
>>>> btape: btape.c:1283-0 Block position test
>>>> btape: btape.c:1295-0 Rewind OK.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 0:4
>>>> Block 5 re-read correctly.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 0:200
>>>> Block 201 re-read correctly.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 0:9999
>>>> Block 10000 re-read correctly.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 1:0
>>>> Block 10001 re-read correctly.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 1:600
>>>> Block 10601 re-read correctly.
>>>> Reposition to file:block 1:9999
>>>> Block 20000 re-read correctly.
>>>> === Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
>>>> === Append files test ===
>>>> This test is essential to Bacula.
>>>> I'm going to write one record  in file 0,
>>>>                       two records in file 1,
>>>>                 and three records in file 2
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:477-0 open device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0): OK
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1427-0 Now moving to end of medium.
>>>> btape: btape.c:630-0 Moved to end of medium.
>>>> We should be in file 3. I am at file 8388607. This is NOT correct!!!!
>>>> Append test failed. Attempting again.
>>>> Setting "Hardware End of Medium = no
>>>>        and "Fast Forward Space File = no and retrying append test.
>>>> === Append files test ===
>>>> This test is essential to Bacula.
>>>> I'm going to write one record  in file 0,
>>>>                       two records in file 1,
>>>>                 and three records in file 2
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:477-0 open device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0): OK
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1427-0 Now moving to end of medium.
>>>> #---- Insert from debug 9999
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:716-0 Enter eod
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:598-0 rewind res=0 fd=3 "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=2
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=3
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:123-0 sm_get_pool_memory reuse 7f0a1d75b0f8 to
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:77
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1206-0 Set ST_EOT read errno=5. ERR=Input/output
>>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1209-0 dev.c:1208 read error on "ULT3580-HH7" 
>>>>>>>> (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d75b0f8 pool=4 from
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:84
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return -1 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1267-0 ST_EOT set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=3
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:811-0 fsf error.
>>>> #----
>>>> btape: btape.c:627-0 dev.c:1208 read error on "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). 
>>>> ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
>>>> Now the important part, I am going to attempt to append to the tape.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0) Done
>>>> appending, there should be no I/O errors
>>>> Doing Bacula scan of blocks:
>>>> #---- Insert from debug 9999
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:959-0 Enter read_block_from_device
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:992-0 Full read in read_block_from_device()
>>>>>>>> len=64512
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:123-0 sm_get_pool_memory reuse 7f0a1d75b0f8 to
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:77
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:1042-0 Read device got: ERR=Input/output error
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:1292-0 Enter Jmsg type=4
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:755-0 Enter dispatch_msg type=4 msg=btape JobId 0: 
>>>>>>>> Error: block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 on device 
>>>>>>>> "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:967-0 STDOUT for following msg: btape JobId 0: Error: 
>>>>>>>> block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 on device 
>>>>>>>> "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> #----
>>>> 16-Mar 21:48 btape JobId 0: Error: block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at 
>>>> file:blk 0:7 on device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> Error reading block. ERR=block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 
>>>> on device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> Total files=0, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136 End scanning the tape.
>>>> We should be in file 4. I am at file 0. This is NOT correct!!!!
>>>> It looks like the append failed. Attempting again.
>>>> Setting "BSF at EOM = yes" and retrying append test.
>>>> === Append files test ===
>>>> This test is essential to Bacula.
>>>> I'm going to write one record  in file 0,
>>>>                       two records in file 1,
>>>>                 and three records in file 2
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:477-0 open device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0): OK
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:1427-0 Now moving to end of medium.
>>>> #---- Insert from debug 9999
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:716-0 Enter eod
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:598-0 rewind res=0 fd=3 "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from 
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from 
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=2
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1229-0 Doing MTFSF
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from 
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return 0 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=3
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:809-0 eod: doing fsf 1
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1133-0 ST_EOF set on entry to FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1136-0 fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1181-0 FSF has cap_fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:147-0 smalloc 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1191-0 Doing read before fsf
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:123-0 sm_get_pool_memory reuse 7f0a1d75b0f8 to 
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:77
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1206-0 Set ST_EOT read errno=5. ERR=Input/output error
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1209-0 dev.c:1208 read error on "ULT3580-HH7" 
>>>>>>>> (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d75b0f8 pool=4 from 
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:84
>>>>>>>> btape: smartall.c:190-0 sm_free 64577 at 7f0a1d78a9d8 from dev.c:1187
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:235-0 free_pool_memory 7f0a1d78a9d8 pool=0 from 
>>>>>>>> dev.c:1244
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1262-0 Return -1 from FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1264-0 ST_EOF set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1267-0 ST_EOT set on exit FSF
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:1269-0 Return from FSF file=3
>>>>>>>> btape: dev.c:811-0 fsf error.
>>>> #----
>>>> btape: btape.c:627-0 dev.c:1208 read error on "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). 
>>>> ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
>>>> Now the important part, I am going to attempt to append to the tape.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1914-0 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
>>>> btape: btape.c:1916-0 Wrote block to device.
>>>> btape: btape.c:609-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> btape: btape.c:579-0 Rewound "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> Done appending, there should be no I/O errors
>>>> Doing Bacula scan of blocks:
>>>> #---- Insert from debug 9999
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:959-0 Enter read_block_from_device
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:992-0 Full read in read_block_from_device() len=64512
>>>>>>>> btape: mem_pool.c:123-0 sm_get_pool_memory reuse 7f0a1d75b0f8 to 
>>>>>>>> ../lib/berrno.h:77
>>>>>>>> btape: block.c:1042-0 Read device got: ERR=Input/output error
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:1292-0 Enter Jmsg type=4
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:755-0 Enter dispatch_msg type=4 msg=btape JobId 0: 
>>>>>>>> Error: block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 on device 
>>>>>>>> "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>>>>>> btape: message.c:967-0 STDOUT for following msg: btape JobId 0: Error: 
>>>>>>>> block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 on device 
>>>>>>>> "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> #----
>>>> 16-Mar 21:49 btape JobId 0: Error: block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at 
>>>> file:blk 0:7 on device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> Error reading block. ERR=block.c:1045 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 0:7 
>>>> on device "ULT3580-HH7" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
>>>> Total files=0, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
>>>> End scanning the tape.
>>>> We should be in file 4. I am at file 0. This is NOT correct!!!!
>>>> Append test failed.
>>>> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> Unable to correct the problem. You MUST fix this
>>>> problem before Bacula can use your tape drive correctly
>>>> Perhaps running Bacula in fixed block mode will work.
>>>> Do so by setting:
>>>> Minimum Block Size = nnn
>>>> Maximum Block Size = nnn
>>>> in your Storage daemon's Device definition.
>>>> nnn must match your tape driver's block size, which
>>>> can be determined by reading your tape manufacturers
>>>> information, and the information on your kernel dirver.
>>>> Fixed block sizes, however, are not normally an ideal solution.
>>>> Some systems, e.g. OpenBSD, require you to set
>>>>       Use MTIOCGET= no
>>>> in your device resource. Use with caution.
>>>> *
>>>> ##---------------- bacula
>>>> rpm -qa | grep bacula
>>>> bacula-libs-sql-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-console-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-director-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-libs-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-storage-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-common-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> bacula-client-7.0.5-7.el7.x86_64
>>>> ##---------------- dmesg
>>>> dmesg | grep scsi
>>>> [    2.628216] scsi host0: Avago SAS based MegaRAID driver
>>>> [    2.635832] scsi 0:2:0:0: Direct-Access     DELL     PERC H710P       
>>>> 3.13 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
>>>> [    2.697600] scsi host1: Avago SAS based MegaRAID driver
>>>> [    2.705309] scsi 1:0:86:0: Sequential-Access IBM      ULT3580-HH7      
>>>> G9Q1 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
>>>> [    2.745138] scsi 0:2:1:0: Direct-Access     DELL     PERC H710P       
>>>> 3.13 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
>>>> [    2.812913] scsi 1:0:86:1: Medium Changer    IBM      3572-TL          
>>>> 0071 PQ: 0 ANSI: 3
>>>> [    2.818741] scsi 1:2:0:0: Direct-Access     DELL     PERC H810        
>>>> 3.13 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
>>>> [    2.932148] scsi 1:2:1:0: Direct-Access     DELL     PERC H810        
>>>> 3.13 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
>>>> [    3.128076] scsi host2: usb-storage 1-1.4:1.2
>>>> [    4.131049] scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROM            KVM      Boot Disk        
>>>> 1.0  PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
>>>> [    7.149265] sd 0:2:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
>>>> [    7.149336] sd 0:2:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
>>>> [    7.149416] scsi 1:0:86:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 1
>>>> [    7.149489] scsi 1:0:86:1: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 8
>>>> [    7.149531] sd 1:2:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
>>>> [    7.149574] sd 1:2:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg5 type 0
>>>> [    7.149635] scsi 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 5
>>>> [    7.191095] st 1:0:86:0: Attached scsi tape st0
>>>> [    7.448912] ch 1:0:86:1: Attached scsi changer ch0
>>>> [    7.450197] sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 0x/0x caddy
>>>> [    7.451180] sr 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
>>>> [   72.176283] scsi host3: usb-storage 1-1.6.2:1.0
>>>> [   73.178715] scsi 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access     iDRAC    SECUPD           
>>>> 0329 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
>>>> [   73.179164] sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0
>>>> ##---------------- bacula-sd.conf
>>>> Device {
>>>>      Name = ULT3580-HH7
>>>>      Media Type = LTO7
>>>>      Archive Device = /dev/nst0      # Device nstX created automatically 
>>>> by st daemon.
>>>>      AutoChanger = yes
>>>>      AutomaticMount = yes;    # when device opened, read it
>>>>      AlwaysOpen = yes;          # Default value yes
>>>>      RemovableMedia = yes;
>>>>      RandomAccess = no;
>>>>      Requires Mount = no;
>>>>      Maximum Open Wait = 300         # Default value
>>>>      Maximum Rewind Wait = 300       # Default value
>>>>      Maximum Changer Wait = 120      # default is 120 secs
>>>>      Maximum Job Spool Size = 2G     # default is unlimited
>>>>      Spool Directory = "/export/shared/spool"
>>>>      Label Type = IBM
>>>>      Check Labels = yes
>>>>      LabelMedia = yes;
>>>> #  Hardware End of Medium = no     # defaut is Yes
>>>> #  Fast Forward Space File = no    # This line required if above HEOM is 
>>>> set to "No"
>>>>      BSF at EOM = no                 # Default is no
>>>>      Two EOF = no
>>>>      Volume Poll Interval = 300      # Poll the drive to seek the status
>>>>     }
>>>> ##---------------- tapeinfo
>>>> tapeinfo -f /dev/sg2
>>>> Product Type: Tape Drive
>>>> Vendor ID: 'IBM     '
>>>> Product ID: 'ULT3580-HH7     '
>>>> Revision: 'G9Q1'
>>>> Attached Changer API: No
>>>> SerialNumber: '1097000515'
>>>> MinBlock: 1
>>>> MaxBlock: 8388608
>>>> SCSI ID: 86
>>>> SCSI LUN: 0
>>>> Ready: yes
>>>> BufferedMode: yes
>>>> Medium Type: 0x78
>>>> Density Code: 0x5c
>>>> BlockSize: 0
>>>> DataCompEnabled: yes
>>>> DataCompCapable: yes
>>>> DataDeCompEnabled: yes
>>>> CompType: 0xff
>>>> DeCompType: 0xff
>>>> BOP: yes
>>>> Block Position: 0
>>>> Partition 0 Remaining Kbytes: -1
>>>> Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: -1
>>>> ActivePartition: 0
>>>> EarlyWarningSize: 0
>>>> NumPartitions: 0
>>>> MaxPartitions: 3
>>>> Jim Richardson
>>>> CONFIDENTIALITY: This email (including any attachments) may contain 
>>>> confidential, proprietary and privileged information, and unauthorized 
>>>> disclosure or use is prohibited. If you received this email in error, 
>>>> please notify the sender and delete this email from your system. Thank you.
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