
Bacula Version: 9.0.3,  First full finished yesterday afternoon, the 
incremental scheduled for 1am(Job id 17) changed to a Full

06-Sep 01:05 maux-dir JobId 17: No prior Full backup Job record found.
06-Sep 01:05 maux-dir JobId 17: No prior or suitable Full backup found in 
catalog. Doing FULL backup.
10-Sep 16:34 maux-dir JobId 17: Start Backup JobId 17, 

This is the Job list showing the Full job #16 finished okay. 

16  Full    6,377,148    47.42 T  OK       10-Sep-17 16:30 BackupClient-to-disk
    17  Full    1,773,864    6.582 T  Cancel   11-Sep-17 07:20 

>From bacula-dir:

Director {                            # define myself
  Name = maux-dir
  DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
  WorkingDirectory = "/opt/bacula/working"
  PidDirectory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  Password = "LFzYj4tQJHwcsBngTyEpPVzq/wKaXLFUCoogPz0IkmPv"         # Console 
  Messages = Daemon

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = maux-fd
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = File
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  SpoolAttributes = yes
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/working/%c.bsr"

Job {
  Name = "BackupClient-to-disk"
  Client = merrimack
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Storage = File
  Pool = Default

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sun at 01:05
  Run = Incremental mon-sat at 1:05

# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
#  Put your list of files here, preceded by 'File =', one per line
#    or include an external list with:
#    File = <file-name
#  Note: / backs up everything on the root partition.
#    if you have other partitions such as /usr or /home
#    you will probably want to add them too.
#  By default this is defined to point to the Bacula binary
#    directory to give a reasonable FileSet to backup to
#    disk storage during initial testing.
         File = /raid/userdata
         File = /raid2


>From what I have already googled I know the Job name , Client and File set 
>can't be changed or it comes becomes a Full. 

So what is wrong with my config?


--Mark Maciolek
Network Administrator
Morse Hall Rm 338

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