OK, in the process of writing out the details of my connection problem for this 
list, I solved my problem, but I thought I'd document it here.

The problem was that all of a sudden my backups started failing with a 
Warning: bsock.c:107 Could not connect to Storage daemon on 
odin.cs.csubak.edu:9103. ERR=Connection refused 

After going through everything I could think of (passwords match, is the daemon 
running, etc.) I thought of everything else on the system I've changed 
recently.  It turns out that in the process of setting up a monitoring daemon 
on that server, I had modified the hosts file to assign the normal hostname to 
localhost.  This is not an uncommon setting, but it seems to break bacula.  It 
means that when you try to connect to port 9103 on hostname, the connection is 
now going to go to

And it seems that the storage daemon isn't listening on the localhost 
interface.  This is a configuration directive, but the comments in the default 
config file, on Debian at least, say "Do not use localhost here."  So I didn't. 

Is there any reason why this should not be localhost?  Do the file daemons 
connect directly to the storage daemon, or are the mediated through the 
director?  I was under the impression that since the only passwords the file 
daemons have is that of the director that there would be no direct connection 
to storage.  From a security standpoint, I could see advantages for keeping the 
storage daemon limited to localhost, but obviously not if it needs direct 
access to file daemons.  

So does it?

Steve Garcia
Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity was framed.

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