> Hello everyone,

Hello Zaiyers,

> I thought I'd try out the new aligned driver, but unfortunately I can
> not get it to work.
> On my first try the sd rejected the plugin with this error:
> plugins.c:139-0 Rejected plugin: want=-sd.so
> name=bacula-sd-aligned-driver-9.0.8.so len=33
> So I tried renaming the plugin which resulted in another error:
> plugins.c:142-0 Found plugin: name=aligned-driver-9.0.8-sd.so len=26
> plugins.c:173-0 Lookup of loadPlugin in plugin
> /usr/lib/bacula/aligned-driver-9.0.8-sd.so failed: ERR=*None*
> plugins.c:68-0 Got plugin=aligned-driver-9.0.8-sd.so but not accepted.
> Is it ready to be used yet, or am I trying a bit to early?

I had the same problem.
I think you should not rename it, but just ignore the debug message.
Restart the file daemon and verify if the driver is loaded.

> I'm using the packages from http://bacula.org/packages/<something
> secret>/debs/9.0.8/stretch/amd64/dists/stretch/main/binary-amd64/
> Thanks!


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