The error message suggests you are using SQLite, in which case see (section 5 Temporary File Storage
Locations at the end).


>>>>> On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 16:42:17 -0700, admin  said:
> Hi all,
> We are having an error of our disk running out of space while trying to 
> build the directory tree for a restore job.  We have an older server 
> with only 16GB OS disk and that only has about 8GB free.  I notice the 
> free space will fill up while the directory tree is being built and then 
> the error is output below.  We did have a similar error before with 
> spool data filling up the disk, so I did move /var/lib/bacula to our 
> volume storage device which is on the same server.
> I couldn't figure out what is filling up the disk, I guess there is 
> another directory/file that is filling up with data?  Do you know which 
> one?  We could just mount this location on our volume storage device as 
> well?
> Thanks
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------+---------------------+----------------------+
> | JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes      | StartTime           | 
> VolumeName           |
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------+---------------------+----------------------+
> | 19406 | F     | 25068910 | 3459126598047 | 2018-12-03 19:00:14 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2758 |
> | 19507 | I     | 625628   | 16116488523   | 2018-12-07 19:00:22 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2982 |
> | 19539 | I     | 212478   | 6456352368    | 2018-12-08 19:03:17 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2985 |
> | 19564 | I     | 214199   | 7256961776    | 2018-12-09 19:04:07 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2988 |
> | 19589 | I     | 277296   | 41375685395   | 2018-12-10 19:00:22 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2991 |
> | 19614 | I     | 315986   | 10145548827   | 2018-12-11 19:00:39 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2994 |
> | 19639 | I     | 265282   | 10025498752   | 2018-12-12 19:02:14 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-2997 |
> | 19664 | I     | 597578   | 11810773912   | 2018-12-13 19:00:01 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-3001 |
> | 19691 | I     | 622812   | 11744357702   | 2018-12-14 19:00:16 | 
> Pac-wing2-user1-3005 |
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------+---------------------+----------------------+
> You have selected the following JobIds: 
> 19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691
> Building directory tree for JobId(s) 
> 19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691 ...  Query failed: 
> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, T1.FileIndex, T1.JobId, LStat, DeltaSeq 
>       FROM ( SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId 
> AS PathId, File.FilenameId AS FilenameId, LStat     , File.DeltaSeq AS 
> DeltaSeq, Job.JobTDate AS JobTDate FROM Job, File, ( SELECT 
> MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId, DeltaSeq FROM ( SELECT 
> JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId, DeltaSeq FROM File JOIN Job USING (JobId) 
> WHERE File.JobId IN 
> (19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691) UNION ALL SELECT 
> JobTDate, PathId, FilenameId, DeltaSeq FROM BaseFiles JOIN File USING 
> (FileId) JOIN Job  ON    (BaseJobId = Job.JobId) WHERE BaseFiles.JobId 
> IN (19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691) ) AS tmp 
> GROUP BY PathId, FilenameId, DeltaSeq ) AS T1 WHERE (Job.JobId IN ( 
> (19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691)) OR Job.JobId IN 
> (19406,19507,19539,19564,19589,19614,19639,19664,19691)) AND T1.JobTDate 
> = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId = File.JobId AND T1.PathId = File.PathId 
> AND T1.FilenameId = File.FilenameId ) AS T1 JOIN Filename ON 
> (Filename.FilenameId = T1.FilenameId) JOIN Path ON (Path.PathId = 
> T1.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY T1.JobTDate, FileIndex ASC: 
> ERR=database or disk is full
> -- 
> Chandler / Systems Administrator
> Arizona Genomics Institute
> University Of Arizona
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